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Coding resources

Here are a few coding resources and guidance to kickstart your coding journey!

Best coding languages to learn:

1. Python

Python is an excellent language and you can do just about anything with it.
It is relatively easy to learn, powerful and versatile - making it a great choice for beginners.


HTML is used to create websites, and is the main structure of every website, CSS styles the webpage.
These are very good languages to learn, and start your coding journey!
HTML and CSS aren't actually classed as coding languages, but they still count towards a great start with coding

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a client-side language what is very useful and simple. You should start with what's known as plain vanilla JavaScript. You can learn this after or even alongside HTML and CSS

Coding websites to learn / test your skills:

  • W3Schools
  • Free Code Camp
  • Code wars
  • Reply Challenges
  • Coderbyte
  • Edabit
  • Finxter
  • Codingame
  • Code Forces
  • Coding Youtubers:

  • Freecodecamp
  • thenewboston
  • Programmingknowledge
  • Neuralnine
  • The Net Ninja
  • TechWithTim
  • Programming with mosh
  • Telusko
  • Code With Harry
  • Edureka
  • Corey Schafer
  • Traversy media
  • Hitesh Choudhary
  • Derek Banas
  • Github repositories for learning to code:

  • Python
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Go
  • TypeScript
  • PHP
  • Coding commands:

    You are going to be using the command prompt a lot, here are a few useful commands:


    cd switches into a directory
    Usage: cd /Desktop/example/


    ls prints the files in the current directory


    mkdir makes a new folder
    Usage: mkdir foldername


    mv moves a file into another directory
    Usage: example.txt /example


    nano is a simple text editor in a terminal
    Usage: nano example.txt

    echo $PATH

    PATH is an environment variable what specifies where executable programs are located.
    This will show a list of directories what are environment variables.


    pwd prints the current working directory


    rm deletes files
    Usage: rm example.txt

    rm -r

    rm -r deletes a directory and all of its child directories
    Usage: rm -r folder


    touch creates a new file inside of the current directory
    Usage: touch example.txt

    You can find some more useful commands here

    Coding tips:

    1. Keep on going!

    As with anything in life you will lose motivation at some points in your journey, it's important to keep going.
    You will be stuck sometimes, go at your own level and be the best you can be!!

    2. Focus on yourself

    Sometimes we are too focused on what others are doing, it's the same with coding, don't worry about anyone but yourself.
    In short: Just because someone is better than you at something, doesn't mean you should stop what you are doing.

    3. Consistency is key

    Make sure you are fitting in a bit of coding in everyday or week, you will learn coding quicker if you are consitent.

    4. Start off using simple text editors

    You shouldn't use IDE's (integrated development environments) when learning to code.
    Simple text editors like IDLE Python are good to get you started, you want to type everything manually so you get the hang of it then move on to IDE's!


    Coding resources






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