A competition to identify, analyse and visualise interdisciplinary research at UoB using the PURE dataset.
To run the CSharp solution:
git clone git@github.com:IRC-SPHERE/JGI-PURE-Challenge.git
cd JGI-PURE-Challenge/AVPTM
nuget restore
(cd bin/Debug && mono AVPTM.exe)
We counted how many times every research group has collaborated with another one by counting the number of common publications. With this information we created a Chord diagram from the years 2008 to 2013 that can be found in story/static_chord_diagram.html.
It is also possible to query one particular year by passing as a GET argument the specific year (e.g. for 2008 go to the link story/static_chord_diagram.html?years=2008).
The same argument accepts a list of years separated by comma (e.g. for years 2012 and 2013 follow the link story/static_chord_diagram.html?years=2012,2013).
We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Models to cluster publications of each year by their titles and abstracts .
The discovered topics are visualised in story/static_scatterplot.html, where the X coordinate represents how many researchers contributed to the topic, the Y coordinate represents how many organisations contributed, the size of a topic circle represents how many publications assigned to it. We also show top words and top organisations of a topic.
You can find the slides for a presentation on this link intelligentsystemslaboratory.github.io/JGI-PURE-Challenge/story
And new slides with more bullet points and figures: new slides