April 6 2023:
- Added day/night cycle to the game.
- Added day/night cycle to the game.
April 7 2023:
- Laps are tracked in races now.
- Day/night cycles do not automaticly happen anymore.
- Settings save now.
- Day/night cycles slow down when time slows down now.
May 12 2023:- Laps are tracked in races now.
- Day/night cycles do not automaticly happen anymore.
- Settings save now.
- Day/night cycles slow down when time slows down now.
- You can now reset your settings to the defualt
May 13 2023:
- You can now change your vehicle settings
- You can now change your vehicle settings
June 5 2023:
- You can now change your cars engine force in the vehicle settings
- You can now change your cars engine force in the vehicle settings
June 7 2023:
- Boat's are now in the game! Find it on the dock near the loop ramp.
- Boat's are now in the game! Find it on the dock near the loop ramp.
June 8 2023:
- We made a better boat model! It is now a jet ski!
July 4 2023:
- We made a better boat model! It is now a jet ski!
- We added a boat race so you can race with AI's driving boats!
September 30 2023:
- I added the ability to scale gravity in settings.
- I fixed an issue that occurred in in the oval race scenario.
October 22 2023:
- I added a rocket island with a launch pad
- I added a not nearly done rocketship
- I made the rocketship be able to go to the moon (The moon's surface is just a box for now)
- I made the earth and moon look like the earth and moon from the outside
December 3 2023:
- I made the rocketships flight to the moon look better
December 7 2023:
- I made it so you could adjust your freecam speed
- I made rocketships position based instead of time based
- I made the first person camera relative to the vehicles orientation
- I made boats accelerate instead of instantly being max speed
July 11 2024:
- Fixed glitching when riding in first person
- Simplified the ocean to make the game less laggy
- Added a new boat model with a smaller file size
Febuary 7 2025:
- You can now teleport using the "t" button when in free camera mode
- I made boats no longer bounce
- I changed the boat model a little
- You can now use the "z" button to hide/show the controls
- I made it so you can look around your vehicle, with the camera moving back when you are done
- I made it so the moon has it's own gravity now and I made space have no gravity
Simple web based game engine built on three.js and cannon.js focused on third-person character controls and related gameplay mechanics.
Mostly a playground for exploring how conventional third person gameplay mechanics found in modern games work and recreating them in a general way.
Look in the discussions tab to add new feature ideas
Any issues or bugs in the project can be reported in the Issues tab
All planned features can be found in the GitHub Projects.
Big thank you to each of the following GitHub users for contributing to Sketchbook:
Also, a special thanks to swift502, who has basically made the entire thing.