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🌌 RayPulse - A Custom Ray Tracer in C with OpenGL 🌌

Welcome to RayPulse, a custom-built ray tracing engine designed in C using the OpenGL library. This project aims to deliver high-quality rendering, simulating light interactions with objects in a virtual 3D space.

📑 Table of Contents

🎯 Project Goals

This project is developed to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of ray tracing principles.
  • Implement core graphics and shading techniques.
  • Explore the capabilities of OpenGL for handling graphics in C.

✨ Features

  • 🌟 Realistic Lighting: Light interactions using basic Phong shading.
  • 🔹 Object Rendering: Rendering of spheres, planes, and other primitives.
  • 🔮 Reflection and Refraction: Basic reflection/refraction calculations for realistic effects.
  • 🎥 Camera Control: Adjustable camera for perspective and view angle settings.
  • 🖼 Scene Customization: Ability to add multiple objects, lights, and surfaces.

🛠 Requirements

To run and develop this ray tracer, you’ll need:

  • C Compiler: GCC or Clang recommended.
  • OpenGL: Ensure OpenGL is installed on your system.
  • GLFW: For window and context management.
  • GLM: OpenGL Mathematics library for vector and matrix calculations.
  • GLEW (optional): For managing OpenGL extensions.

📥 Installation

  1. 📂 Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd RayTracer
  2. 📦 Install dependencies:

    • For Ubuntu/Debian:
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev libglm-dev libglew-dev
    • For macOS:
      brew install glfw glm glew
  3. 🛠 Build the project:


🚀 Usage

  1. Run the Ray Tracer:

  2. 🎮 Controls:

    • WASD: Move camera.
    • Arrow Keys: Adjust view angle.
    • +/-: Zoom in/out.
  3. 🛠 Customization: Modify the scene.c file to add or adjust objects and lights in the scene.

📂 Structure

The project’s main structure is as follows:

├── src/
│   ├── main.c            # Program entry point
│   ├── renderer.c        # Core rendering loop and OpenGL setup
│   ├── ray_tracer.c      # Ray tracing calculations
│   ├── scene.c           # Scene setup and object definitions
│   └── shaders/          # OpenGL shaders for lighting and effects
├── include/
│   ├── ray_tracer.h      # Ray tracing header
│   ├── renderer.h        # Renderer header
│   └── scene.h           # Scene header
├── assets/               # Textures or additional assets

🔮 Future Enhancements

  • ✨ Additional Shading Models: Implement other shading models, such as Blinn-Phong and Lambertian shading.
  • 🔍 Anti-Aliasing: Apply super-sampling to smooth jagged edges.
  • ⚡ Multithreading: Improve rendering speed with parallel computation.
  • 🌈 Advanced Features: Consider adding shadows, depth of field, or global illumination.

📜 License

This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


A custom built Ray Tracer







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