This is the initial minor version of the instructor web app.
The app is currently using the Django framework as a monolithic server and a combination of Django templates and vanilla Javascript for rendering the context. Styling is mostly done using Bootstrap. Inference at the server (document AI) is done via models in ONNX format, opencv, scikit-learn and Tesseract. PDF files are parsed via PyMuPDF.
The next minor version (v0.1.0) should have:
- automated testing
- docker deployment
- consistent styling across UI pages
- a single inference framework or separate inference servers (e.g. Triton)
- SPA UI for submission detail page
What's Changed
- Sceleton of the project by @IonMich in #1
- Develop by @katsanjib046 in #26
- Develop-pdf by @IonMich in #30
- Develop saved comments feature by @IonMich in #32
- Develop comment files by @katsanjib046 in #36
- Develop by @katsanjib046 in #37
- Develop clustering by @katsanjib046 in #39
- fix issue with courses without a course_code by @AnanthKandala in #54
- identify students with multiple submissions by @AnanthKandala in #64
New Contributors
- @katsanjib046 made their first contribution in #26
- @AnanthKandala made their first contribution in #54
Full Changelog: