Releases: Iquis/rev2-wakeup-tool
Releases · Iquis/rev2-wakeup-tool
Play slots in order
Random reversal / Round start Labbing
- Random reversal
- Round Start labbing
- Delay tech
- Bugfixes
RC slowdown replay trigger fix
Change log
- Fix reversal timing during RC slowdowns
- Reversal timings are now more reliable
Bug fixes
Change log
Replaced keystroke simulation with altering the dummy's state in memory to trigger a playback directly.
Removed replay type configuration because this should be the most reliable method for an out of process tool.
Account for hitstop so abare should now work for any two attacks with a gap. Blockstrings still not supported.
Correctly identify the dummy before the pause menu is opened.
Checked that all reversal timings are frame perfect.
Updated usage instructions.
Import/Export feature
Added Import/Export feature
Mirri's presets
Added Mirri's presets + offline mode
Update for 2210 revision
Merge pull request #68 from Iquis/refactor/pattern-search feat: refactor after PR merge
Bug fixes
Fix mapping key when it was not a letter
Merge pull request #63 from Iquis/refactor/map-virtual-key feat: refactor after map virtual key
New event: Blockstun ends
You can now perform an action when blocktun ends!