WEBPACK SETUP 0. npm init, git init
- Copy the three files ont he webpack main page(src/index.js, src/bar.js, webpack.config.js)
- Install the webpack npm
- then install npx webpack
- when prompted to install webpack-cli, say y
- copy final file from webpack main page
- confirm bundle and html and linked by opening html page in browser and checking console
- need babel to turn jsx into js. webpack is setup! but not react. go to babel-loader documentation. install the things in the installation list (npm instal ...)
- copy/paste config object into webpack config
- install react, react-dom, and the babel react preset
npm install react react-dom
and ??????????? `` - add @babel/preset0react to our list of presets in our webpack config 11.make an src/components/app.jsx file GET THE REST FROM BETH!!!!!!!!!!