This API provides functionality to retrieve shipping rates of two logistics company City Link Express and JT Express based on user input. The API is secured with JWT token authentication and can be accessed through HTTP requests.
To start using the API, you will need to have a valid JWT token. To obtain a token, you can send a POST request to /api/requesttoken
endpoint with a valid username and password in the request body.
Once you have obtained a valid token, you can make requests to the /api/shipping-rates
endpoint with a valid JSON request body containing the required information.
The API has the following endpoints:
: Allows users to obtain a JWT token for authentication
: Allows users to retrieve shipping rates based on input data
Follow these steps to get started:
Step 1:
Clone this repository
git clone
Step 2:
Go inside to project root directory shipping-rates-middleware and open cmd
Step 3:
Build Spring Boot Project with Maven
mvn clean install
Step 4:
Do docker compose build
docker-compose build
Step 5:
Do docker compose up
docker-compose up
It will run this spring boot api project with the production(prod) environment by default
Use below URL for swagger documentation:
Step 1:
Get The JWT Token using api/requesttoken
endpoint with providing Username & password in request body.Expand JWT Token area in swagger.
Request Body :
Step 2:
Go api/shipping-Rates
endpoint controller and click the lock button to provide jwt token.It will open a pop up window
Step 3:
Give jwt token in input field with Bearer in the pop up window.
Step 4:
Authorize api/shipping-Rates
Endpoints with JWT token
Step 5:
Execute api/shipping-Rates
Request Body :
"destinationCountry": "AW",
"destinationPostcode": "50000",
"destinationState": "Aruba",
"documentWeight": 11,
"height": 12,
"length": 12,
"originCountry": "MY",
"originPostcode": "40000",
"originState": "Selangor",
"weight": 21,
"goodsSelectedType": 1,
"width": 20,
"shippingRatesType": "domestic",
"shippingType": "EZ"
Step 6:
Follow these steps to get started:
You need to download the last version of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, for example Lunar version. Make sure that Eclipse has installed the Maven plugin.
$ git clone
To import an existing Maven project into Eclipse, just right-click the Package Explorer and go to:
Import... > Existing Maven Projects > Select root directory > Finish
It's possible that you need to update Maven project. To do it, just right-click the project and go to:
Maven > Update Project...
To provide mysql username and password , go to application-dev.yml file from resources and changes it :
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shippingrate?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=UTC&useSSL=false username: ***** password: *****
The API returns error responses with appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in the response body.
This API is built using Java
, the Spring Framework
, Mysql
Database for RDMS and Docker
. It uses JWT token authentication for security.
This API provides a convenient way for users to retrieve shipping rates based on input data. The API is secured with JWT token authentication and returns appropriate error messages for invalid requests.