Adds useful methods for Minecraft plugin developers to spare time and repetitive code
- Download the latest jar file here.
- Put it into the plugins folder of your server.
- Open your IDE (IntelliJ in this example) and navigate to either
File > Project Structure > Global Libraries
or inside your project alone toLibraries
- Add a new Library with the plus sign and choose
- Navigate to the library jar file, select it and press
. - Click on
Library | Description | Version |
ConfigLib | Allows the easy creation and management of yml config/storage files, both prefilled and empty |
1.5-1.20+ |
MessageLib | Lets you send messages with a pre-determined unified design and templates for human errors, success etc. | 1.8-1.20+ |
ItemLib | Creates items easily without the need of having to extract the item meta | ??? |
Gets the ConfigLib class with its methods
new ConfigLib(JavaPlugin: plugin) -> ConfigLib
is one from onEnable
required for config creation.
Call this method before creating configs or it will not take effect.
Sets the path of the plugin config folder (allows path traversal)
#setPluginFolderPath(String: pluginFolderPath) -> ConfigLib
is one of the used operating system (relative paths are allowed, i.e. ../../PluginData
Creates configs
#createDefaults(String...: configNames) -> ConfigLib
are those of the configurations, strings seperated by a comma.
Creates configs inside a directory
#createInsideDirectory(String: directoryName, String...: configNames) -> ConfigLib
is one of the folder.
Gets a config
#getConfig(String: configName) -> FileConfiguration
is one for the configuration.
Gets a config file
#getFile(String: configName) -> File
Saves a config
#save(String: configName) -> void
Loads a language key
#lang(String: path) -> String
is one of the config content, seperated by dots.
The above methods will create empty configs except if they do already exist in the same path inside your projects resources
If so, their content will be copied. Using createDefaults
requires the configs to exist inside resources
directly, while
requires an additional folder with the configs inside with the same name as mentioned in the method call.
You can fill the configs with language keys and values. A Method for loading language Strings is part of this library.
If you want to use other language files besides the default en_US.yml
(not provided), you need a custom config.yml
Create it inside resources
or any sub directory of your project if it does not exist yet.
Add a key called language
and assign it the language you want to use (i.e. de_DE
without .yml
Use createDefaults
(or createInsideDirectory
if the file is inside a sub directory) with parameter fileNames
being at least config
to create it on server start.
Your folder structure could look like this:
├ de.max.plugin.init.Main
├ ...
├ languages
├ ├ de_DE.yml
├ └ en_US.yml
├ config.yml
├ plugin.yml
└ storage.yml
...with de_DE.yml
initial: Hallo Welt!
error: Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.
badWordsEnabled: true
badWords: [damn, darn it]
...and config.yml
language: de_DE
...while having an initialization like this:
public static ConfigLib configLib;
public void onEnable() {
configLib = new ConfigLib(this)
// plugin folder created one directory above / inside the server folder
// basic config files
.createDefaults("config", "storage")
// language config files
.createInsideDirectory("languages", "de_DE", "en_US");
...with this language call inside a different class:
// path may vary depending on your plugin package/folder structure
import static de.max.plugin.init.Main.configLib;
// sends "Hallo Welt!"
...getting a file and config like this:
File storageFile = configLib.getFile("storage");
FileConfiguration storageConfig = configLib.getConfig("storage");
if (storageConfig.getBoolean("badWordsEnabled")) {
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("Filter up and running.");
storageConfig.set("myBelovedBoolean", true);
// Feel free to use the file however you want
...and last but not least saving it:"storage");
Gets the MessageLib class with its methods
new MessageLib() -> MessageLib
Creates an empty line before and after any message
#addSpacing() -> MessageLib
Sets a prefix message that gets shown right before any message
#setPrefix(String: prefix, boolean?: seperateLine) -> MessageLib
is a message you want as prefix.
creates a new one for the message prefix alone when set to true
Creates default values for templates (format/color, sound and suffix, as seen later)
#createDefaults() -> MessageLib
If you choose to set the default values manually, you need to call these methods after #createDefaults()
It will overwrite your settings otherwise.
Allows to overwrite the default format code for the messages
#setFormattingCode(Template: template, char: formattingCode) -> MessageLib
#setFormattingCode(HashMap: formattingCodes) -> MessageLib
is an enum one you can use.
describes a single character one from Minecraft.
are multiple inside a map with content <Template, Character>
Allows to overwrite the default sound played to players when sending a message
#setSound(Template: template, Sound: sound, Float?: volume) -> MessageLib
#setSound(HashMap: sounds) -> MessageLib
is one played to a player when a message gets send.
is the playback loudness.
are multiple inside a map with content <Template, Sound>
Allows to overwrite the default suffix shown right after the prefix
#setSuffix(Template: template, String: suffix) -> MessageLib
#setSuffix(HashMap: suffixes) -> MessageLib
is an additional text.
are multiple inside a map with content <Template, String>
Generates a message using the specifications from earlier and template or custom values
#sendInfo(CommandSender: sender, char?: formattingCode | Template?: template, String: message, HoverText?: hoverText) -> void
is either a console or player.
is one that the player is supposed to see.
is one showing when the mouse cursor is above the message using a special class.
new MessageLib().setPrefix("Plugin Info >");
Using this method will create a message like this:
Plugin Info > This is an information. |
A space will be added after the prefix automatically.
new MessageLib().setPrefix("Plugin Info:", true);
The method with seperateLine
set to true
creates one like this:
Plugin Info: |
This is an information. |
If addSpacing()
was called before, the message would look like this:
⠀ |
Plugin Info: |
This is an information. |
⠀ |
Color codes can be seen here:
Color | Code | Hex aquivalent |
Black | 0 | #000000 |
Dark Blue | 1 | #0000AA |
Dark Green | 2 | #00AA00 |
Dark Aqua | 3 | #00AAAA |
Dark Red | 4 | #AA0000 |
Dark Purple | 5 | #AA00AA |
Gold | 6 | #FFAA00 |
Gray | 7 | #AAAAAA |
Dark Gray | 8 | #555555 |
Blue | 9 | #5555FF |
Green | a | #55FF55 |
Aqua | b | #55FFFF |
Red | c | #FF5555 |
Purple | d | #FF55FF |
Yellow | e | #FFFF55 |
White | f | #FFFFFF |
You may also use non color formatting:
Description | Formatting code |
Obfuscated | k |
Bold | l |
Strikethrough | m |
Underline | n |
Italic | o |
Reset | r |
Template class (MessageLib.Template.* ) |
Default format | Default sound | Default suffix |
SUCCESS | a (green) | ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP | Success! §7» |
WARNING | e (yellow) | UI_BUTTON_CLICK | Warning! §7» |
ERROR | c (red) | BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE | Error! §7» |
INFO | 9 (blue) | None | Info! §7» |
Neither | 7 (gray) | None | None |
The initialization may look like this:
public static MessageLib messageLib;
public void onEnable() {
messageLib = new MessageLib()
.setPrefix("§e§lFPM §7§l>", true)
// setting (or in this case overwriting due to #createDefaults) the color of the info template alone
.setFormattingCode(MessageLib.Template.INFO, '3')
// same with the sound for the info template, additionally half as loud
.setSound(MessageLib.Template.INFO, Sound.ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, .5f)
// overwriting the suffix of multiple templates using a HashMap
.setSuffix(new HashMap<>() {{
put(MessageLib.Template.SUCCESS, "[✔]");
put(MessageLib.Template.WARNING, "[⚠]");
put(MessageLib.Template.ERROR, "[!]");
...and creating messages inside other classes is as easy as this:
// as seen before: the import depends on your project
import static de.max.plugin.init.Main.messageLib;
public boolean onCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender /* and so on */) {
// Sending a simple red message without template to the console
messageLib.sendInfo(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), 'c', "Command executed.");
// Sending a message using a template
// MessageLib.Template.INFO from the custom value above uses '3' as color and causes ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT to play
messageLib.sendInfo(sender, MessageLib.Template.INFO, "This command was disabled by the author.", new HoverText("§7Contact an administrator for more details."));
return true;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
// MessageLib.Template.SUCCESS from *.createDefaults uses 'a' as color and causes ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP to play
messageLib.sendInfo((Player) sender, MessageLib.Template.SUCCESS, "Client created successfully.");
return true;
Gets the ItemLib class with its methods
new ItemLib() -> ItemLib
Sets material and amount of the item
#setItem(Material: material, int?: amount) -> ItemLib
#setItem(ItemStack: item) -> ItemLib
is one you want the item to have.
is one of a stack.
is an existing one you can use to edit
Sets the title of the item
#setName(String: name) -> ItemLib
is the text of the item
Sets the subtext of the item
#setLore(String...: lore | List: lore) -> ItemLib
is the sub text below the name with content <String>
, visible inside any inventory
Gets the currently stored item meta
#getItemMeta() -> ItemMeta
Returns the item to use
#create() -> ItemStack
You can imagine the ItemLib class as an item builder:
One can create items using the methods until it is finished using create()
, meaning it is possible
to call the editor later again and continue where you stopped before without using variables to store.
This way you have the option to use if statements instead of using unpleasent ternary operators.
public static void inventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
ItemLib itemLib = new ItemLib();
// creating a basic item
itemLib.setItem(Material.ANVIL).setName("§cRepair Anvil");
if (event.getCurrentItem() == null) return;
if (event.getCurrentItem().getType().equals(Material.ANVIL) && event.getClick().isRightClick()) {
// adding an enchantment under certain circumstances
itemLib.addEnchantment(Enchantment.ARROW_INFINITE, true);
// finalized item with #setItem, #setName and, if true, #addEnchantment
ItemStack finalItem = itemLib.create();
You can create an item like this:
ItemStack compass = new ItemLib()
// four cookies
.setItem(Material.COOKIE, 4)
.setName("§dGrandmas Cookie")
.setLore("§7Made with love. §c❤")
// Sharpness IV, not visible as usual below lore
.addEnchantment(Enchantment.SHARPNESS, 4, true)