I've created a basic project. What it does is, First we run "srvMain.py" which will start the server, and then we'll run "clntMain.py" which will connect to the server and whatever we paint in the "Server" window it will be printed on "Client" window.
It is made with opencv & socket.
There are several functions:- Right click- Board color will be set to your current color
Double right click- Board will be clear
Left click- Allows you to paint on board
You also get a specific window to set your color
Link for ngrok- https://ngrok.com/download
Its a side project, my goal was to build it to an extent so that it can be used for teaching and stuff. I have worked on many projects like this with the help of Socket library. In the future I will be thinking to add Tkinter or I will just build it again with JavaFX or C# and build a very different and cool UI.
- There may be some bugs and issues with this program, as I have not tackled some 'Execptions' so the program might crash but still the chances are low!