This repository is maintained by the IVI Foundation and contains code and specifications related to instrument drivers. Specifically:
- IVI Driver Specifications
- IVI Driver Shared Components that support the specifications
- Additional Documentation regarding IVI Foundation Instrument Drivers that may be useful for driver designers
- Example instrument drivers that developers can use to get started with the IVI driver standards
See Instrument Drivers Specs Repo Org for details on the organization of this repository
The IVI Foundation Web Site has additional information on the IVI Foundation, its standards, and how to get started using them.
The following IVI specifications are includes in this repository:
Directory | Contents |
IviDriverCore | The IVI Driver Core Specification and related files. It describes requirements common to all IVI Core Drivers, regardless of implementation langage. IVI provides additional specifications that detail the requirements of drivers for specific languages. |
IviDriverNet | The IVI Language-Specific specification for Microsoft .NET 6+ specific requirements for an IVI .NET driver. |
IviEula | The IVI End User License Agreement used for all IVI provided software, including software used for both IO and Drivers |
See the IVI Foundation Website for more information on the foundation and these standards.
To contact the foundation about the material in this repository, see: Contact IVI Foundation