v2.4.0_emc.2 update of atms_j2 and atms_n21 SpcCoeff files (big endian only) for EMC
11 commits
to release/REL-2.4.0_emc
since this release
Full Changelog: v2.4.0_emc.1...v2.4.0_emc.2
commit 50fde6ae9caeaca3f5c8c3a39aca7e594eab451a (HEAD -> release/REL-2.4.0_emc, origin/release/REL-2.4.0_emc)
Author: Benjamin T. Johnson <benjamin.t.johnson@noaa.gov>
Date: Wed Jul 5 21:06:12 2023 +0000
updated atms_j2 and atms_n21 SpcCoeff files to include appropriate polarization baiss (Q. Liu, NESDIS) and correct WMO_Satellite_ID (226) and WMO_Sensor_ID (621) (B. Johnson, JCSDA)