This project was creted by Jim Horwitz, an intern at MakerGear.
-- High temperature upgrade kit
-- E3D upgrade kit
Heater -
65W @ 24V
RAMBo 1.3 MOSFETs can handle
Rated at 117W, 89A
Connector of heater is not compatible with the port on M3, potential mod?
Solution: Remove the old heater block wires from the screw terminal and replace with the 65W heater wires.
Zip tie through the back to the filament drive
Heat Break -
Lower heat conductivity
Maybe not necessary - requires further testing
Plated Copper Heater Block -
Aluminum heater blocks will soften at high temperatures
High Temp PTFE tubing -
For heat sink
Normal PTFE will melt with high temp. Materials such as PEEK
PT100 Temperature Sensor -
Accurately reads temperatures up to 400 deg. C
Requires a different amplifier board
PT100 Amplifier Board -
Required for the PT100 Temperature Sensor to work
Requires Vcc and GND pins from RAMBo 1.3
Signal pin must be connected to analog input of RAMBo 1.3
Explained later
Threaded Heat Sink -
Alternative groove mount:
Firmware Changes - attached in Marlin firmware
temperature sensor 1 changed to match signal from PT100 amplifier board.
temp sensor 1 pin changed to match signal pin on analog pins input.
Hardware Changes
Refer to Analog pins.png
Blue circle - Analog Pins location on RAMBo 1.3 Board
Yellow Wire - Signal wire of PT100 Amplifier Board to corresponding analog pin 5 in firmware (shown above)
Black Wire - GND of Amplifier Board
Orange Wire - Vcc of Amplifier Board
Refer to Heater Pins.png
Heater 1 Screw Terminal - replaced with E3D Heater Cartridge wires (glossy black in the picture above)
Third terminal from the bottom
GCode Changes
These changes save to the EEPROM of the RAMBo board, and are not changed when updating the firmware of the board.
Offset between nozzle - M218 command
T1 specifies extruder head, X/Y/Z specifies axis.
For vertical adjustments, use Z.
-33.26 worked with an M3 with a normal T0, and a modded T1 with Ryan’s 3D printed mount
Negative values move the bed further from the hotend (down).
Printout from M503
M218 T1 X252.00 Y0.00 Z-33.26
Autotune PID - M303
M303 E1 S265 C10
This will run 10 cycles of PID autotuning based on 265 deg. C.
Copy the PID settings into M301, using P, I, and D before each number to change their respective values.
Printout from M503
M301 P15.33 I1.39 D42.38 C120.00 L20