Hey, there! Welcome to my Individual project 1
The goal of thus project is to establish a CodeSpace environment that automates the process of loading a dataset and generating descriptive statistics on the dataset using Polars utilizing GitHub Actions.
Configured GitHub codespaces with .devcontainer, GitHub Actions, Readme.md Created scaffold for structure of project: 'Makefile', 'requirements.txt' Included csv dataset to perform descriptive statistics using polars in jupyter notebook and main.py python script
- Install Docker to your local PC
- Install Remote - containers
- Clone repository to your local PC
- Open the repo in local codespace like VS Code
- Press "Reopen Folder in Container" when notifications appear at your local codespace
- So Dockerfile is provided and you have ready-to-use Python environment
polars.ipynb: A Jupyter notebook includes cells that perform descriptive statistics using Polars
lib.py: A file that shares common code between the script and notebook
Makefile: Contains commands to run tests, format code, lint code, and install necessary Python packages
test_polars.py: includes unit tests for the script
test_lib.py: includes unit tests for the lib file
requirements.txt: includes codes, basically the dependencies required for the project
.devcontainer: Configurations for the VS Code remote container development environment
.github/workflows: Workflow definitions for Continuous Integration using GitHub Actions