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JabRef Version 5.8

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@calixtus calixtus released this 18 Dec 20:41
· 3908 commits to main since this release


  • We integrated a new three-way merge UI for merging entries in the Entries Merger Dialog, the Duplicate Resolver Dialog, the Entry Importer Dialog, and the External Changes Resolver Dialog. #8945
  • We added the ability to merge groups, keywords, comments and files when merging entries. #9022
  • We added a warning message next to the authors field in the merge dialog to warn users when the authors are the same but formatted differently. #8745
  • The default file directory of a library is used as default directory for unlinked file lookup. koppor#546
  • The properties of an existing systematic literature review (SLR) can be edited. koppor#604
  • An systematic literature review (SLR) can now be started from the SLR itself. #9131, koppor#601
  • On startup, JabRef notifies the user if there were parsing errors during opening.
  • We added support for the field fjournal (in @article) for abbreviation and unabbreviation functionalities. #321
  • In case a backup is found, the filename of the backup is shown and one can navigate to the file. #9311
  • We added support for the Ukrainian and Arabic languages. #9236, #9243


  • We improved the Citavi Importer to also import so called Knowledge-items into the field comment of the corresponding entry #9025
  • We modified the change case sub-menus and their corresponding tips (displayed when you stay long over the menu) to properly reflect exemplified cases. #9339
  • We call backup files .bak and temporary writing files now .sav.
  • JabRef keeps 10 older versions of a .bib file in the user data dir (instead of a single .sav (now: .bak) file in the directory of the .bib file)
  • We improved the External Changes Resolver dialog to be more usaable. #9021
  • We simplified the actions to fast-resolve duplicates to 'Keep Left', 'Keep Right', 'Keep Both' and 'Keep Merged'. #9056
  • The fallback directory of the file folder now is the general file directory. In case there was a directory configured for a library and this directory was not found, JabRef placed the PDF next to the .bib file and not into the general file directory.
  • The global default directory for storing PDFs is now the documents folder in the user's home.
  • When adding or editing a subgroup it is placed w.r.t. to alphabetical ordering rather than at the end. koppor#577
  • Groups context menu now shows appropriate options depending on number of subgroups. koppor#579
  • We modified the "Delete file" dialog and added the full file path to the dialog text. The file path in the title was changed to file name only. koppor#534
  • Download from URL now automatically fills with URL from clipboard. koppor#535
  • We added HTML and Markdown files to Find Unlinked Files and removed BibTeX. koppor#547
  • ArXiv fetcher now retrieves additional data from related DOIs (both ArXiv and user-assigned). #9170
  • We modified the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) fetcher so that it will now also fetch the ISBN when possible. #8708
  • Genres are now mapped correctly to entry types when importing MODS files. #9185
  • We changed the button label from "Return to JabRef" to "Return to library" to better indicate the purpose of the action.
  • We changed the color of found text from red to high-contrast colors (background: yellow; font color: purple). koppor#552
  • We fixed an issue where the wrong icon for a successful import of a bib entry was shown. #9308
  • We changed the messages after importing unlinked local files to past tense. koppor#548
  • In the context of the Cleanup dialog we changed the text of the conversion of BibTeX to biblatex (and vice versa) to make it more clear. koppor#545
  • We removed wrapping of string constants when writing to a .bib file.
  • In the context of a systematic literature review (SLR), a user can now add arbitrary data into study.yml. JabRef just ignores this data. #9124
  • In the context of a systematic literature review (SLR), we reworked the "Define study" parameters dialog. #9123
  • We upgraded to Lucene 9.4 for the fulltext search. The search index will be rebuild. #9213
  • We disabled the "change case" menu for empty fields. #9214
  • We disabled the conversion menu for empty fields. #9200


  • We fixed an issue where applied save actions on saving the library file would lead to the dialog "The library has been modified by another program" popping up. #4877
  • We fixed issues with save actions not correctly loaded when opening the library. #9122
  • We fixed the behavior of "Discard changes" when reopening a modified library. #9361
  • We fixed several bugs regarding the manual and the autosave of library files that could lead to exceptions. #9067, #8448, #8746, #6684, #6644, #6102, #6002
  • We fixed an issue where pdfs were re-indexed on each startup. #9166
  • We fixed an issue when using an unsafe character in the citation key, the auto-linking feature fails to link files. #9267
  • We fixed an issue where a message about changed metadata would occur on saving although nothing changed. #9159
  • We fixed an issue where the possibility to generate a subdatabase from an aux file was writing empty files when called from the commandline. #9115, forum#3516
  • We fixed an issue where author names with tilde accents (for example ñ) were marked as "Names are not in the standard BibTeX format". #8071
  • We fixed an issue where capitalize didn't capitalize words after hyphen characters. #9157
  • We fixed an issue where title case didn't capitalize words after en-dash characters and skip capitalization of conjunctions that comes after en-dash characters. #9068,#9142
  • We fixed an issue with the message that is displayed when fetcher returns an empty list of entries for given query. #9195
  • We fixed an issue where editing entry's "date" field in library mode "biblatex" causes an uncaught exception. #8747
  • We fixed an issue where importing from XMP would fail for certain PDFs. #9383
  • We fixed an issue that JabRef displayed the wrong group tree after loading. koppor#637
  • We fixed that sorting of entries in the maintable by special fields is updated immediately. #9334
  • We fixed the display of issue, number, eid and pages fields in the entry preview. #8607, #8372, Koppor#514, forum#2390, forum#3462
  • We fixed the page ranges checker to detect article numbers in the pages field (used at Check Integrity). #8607
  • The HtmlToLaTeXFormatter keeps single < characters.
  • We fixed a performance regression when opening large libraries. #9041
  • We fixed a bug where spaces are trimmed when highlighting differences in the Entries merge dialog. koppor#371
  • We fixed some visual glitches with the linked files editor field in the entry editor and increased its height. #8823
  • We fixed some visual inconsistencies (round corners of highlighted buttons). #8806
  • We fixed an issue where JabRef would not exit when a connection to a LibreOffice document was established previously and the document is still open. #9075
  • We fixed an issue about selecting the save order in the preferences. #9175
  • We fixed an issue where an exception when fetching a DOI was not logged correctly. koppor#627
  • We fixed an issue where a user could not open an attached file in a new unsaved library. #9386
  • We fixed a typo within a connection error message. koppor#625
  • We fixed an issue where journal abbreviations would not abbreviate journal titles with escaped ampersands (\&). #8948
  • We fixed the readability of the file field in the dark theme. #9340
  • We fixed an issue where the 'close dialog' key binding was not closing the Preferences dialog. #8888
  • We fixed an issue where a known journal's medline/dot-less abbreviation does not switch to the full name. #9370
  • We fixed an issue where hitting enter on the search field within the preferences dialog closed the dialog. koppor#630
  • We fixed the "Cleanup entries" dialog is partially visible. #9223
  • We fixed an issue where font size preferences did not apply correctly to preference dialog window and the menu bar. #8386 and #9279
  • We fixed the display of the "Customize Entry Types" dialog title. #9198
  • We fixed an issue where the CSS styles are missing in some dialogs. #9150
  • We fixed an issue where controls in the preferences dialog could outgrow the window. #9017


  • We removed "last-search-date" from the systematic literature review feature, because the last-search-date can be deducted from the git logs. #9116
  • We removed the CiteseerX fetcher, because the API used by JabRef is sundowned. #9466