Gogger is a console logger designed for simplicity and great features at the same time! It has configurable color options for a (configurable) project name and the levels. The level options are Verbose (AKA Debug), Info, Warn, Error and Fatal!
Installation is simple, just use go get
like any other package.
go get github.com/Jack-Gledhill/gogger
Below is an example of how you'd use Gogger in most use-cases.
package main
import "github.com/Jack-Gledhill/gogger"
func main() {
log := gogger.New("MyProject", gogger.USDateTimeFormat, true) // project name, datetime format, use colors?
// Do something here...
log.Verbose("Hey this is a verbose message, who'da thought?")
See https://godoc.org/github.com/Jack-Gledhill/gogger for full documentation!