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Movie Recommender : with Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) liked algorithm

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Movie Recommend App

A Flutter : Movie Recommend Application, with Deterministic-Finite-Automaton (DFA) liked algorithm.

This project is for AUT COMP711 : Theory of Computation assignment (mini project)

Submit_video : Google drive video

Video_slides : Google Docs

Tech-stack used :

  • Flutter : for frontend client app
    • Navigator 2.0 : together with customed providers for state management.
  • TMDB : TMDB API to get movie datas

To Run App

1. Set up TMDB API key for the app

a. Go into folder lib/constants/.
b. Inside this folder create constants.dart file, to store TMDB Api key and other constant values.

  • NOTE : watch constants.example.dart as example.
  • The constants.dart should look like this :
class Constants {
 static const String BASE_URL = "";
 static const String TMDB_API_KEY = "place_your_tmdb_api_key_here";

 static const String API_KEY_QUERY = "api_key=${TMDB_API_KEY}";

 static const String IMG_BASE_URL = "";

c. Store your TMDB Api key inside TMDB_API_KEY variable.

2. Run the app

In the root folder, run the app with this below command :

flutter run

Or run from editor, run on specific devices, or etc...


Movie Recommender : with Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) liked algorithm







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