No matter how good you are at playing chess, ChatGPT is here to destroy you.
The objective is trying to legitimately beat the ChatGPT in a chess duel. Since ChatGPT is more to a search engine AI than a chess AI, you might think it will be quick and easy fight vs ChatGPT.
Wrong, not in this place.
Here, we do not care about ChatGPT making some ridiculous moves. We will make every move ChatGPT makes even if it is an invalid move. If ChatGPT wants to move the knight diagonally, it will go diagonal. If ChatGPT wants to make moves for you, we will let it do that!
If it wants, it can even move your pawn!
Basically, you have to play normally to beat ChatGPT while ChatGPT can literally change the laws of chess. The chess rules no longer matter to ChatGPT. Can you survive from this absurd duel?
First, install npm if necessary:
npm install
Note that open ai key is required to run the back-end server.
Create .env file in the server folder and declare the open ai key with name of OPENAI_API_KEY
Run first
Then run the development server at the localhost.
npm start
This will open a window where you can play a game of chess against chatGPT.