The program was tried and tested on a system with the following specifications:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS1-Noetic
- Gazebo 11
- GNU gcc-17
- Python 3.8.10
In order to install this, here is the procedure to be followed:
- Clone the repository
git clone
catkin init
cd src
- Setting up
chmod +x ./scripts/
chmod +x ./scripts/
echo 'export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Building and launching
cd ..
source ./devel/setup.bash
- For switching between patterns:
roslaunch turtlebot3_control pattern.launch
- For switching between targets:
roslaunch turtlebot3_control target.launch
There's also an option for rviz:=true
in the launching commang for trajectory visualization.