This the source code for the python module I have built/working on.
This module makes it easy to use my API
Currently, the API supports:
compiling the code(of different languages) and getting the output
getting a random post from a subreddit
getting the lyrics of a song
generating pixel art
getting the weather of a place
finding the length of a youtube playlist
getting a random inspirational text
getting a result of a calculation
converting hexadecimal to decimal(or denary)
converting decimal(or denary) to binary
In order to use the API,
you need to first download this module (pip install Complex-API
from Complex_API import complex_api
# run python
lang = "python"
code = '''
print(complex_api.compile(lang=lang, code=code))
# run java
lang = "java"
code = '''
class Compiler{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("This works");
print(complex_api.compile(lang=lang, code=code))
Get all the supported languages here
from Complex_API import complex_api
# example: name_of_subreddit = "meme"
name_of_subreddit = "name_of_a_valid_subreddit"
number_of_posts = 10 # number of posts to be returned
print(complex_api.reddit(limit=number_of_posts, subreddit=name_of_subreddit))
from Complex_API import complex_api
SongName = "name of song"
from Complex_API import complex_api
text = "Hello gammer"
from Complex_API import complex_api
# example: place = Cape Town
place = "name of a place"
unit = "metric" # or imperial
print(complex_api.temp(place=place, unit=unit))
from Complex_API import complex_api
# example URL:
# id = PL59LTecnGM1OGgddJzY-0r8vdqibi3S2H
play_list_link = "id"
from Complex_API import complex_api
formula = "6*9+6+9"
from Complex_API import complex_api
from Complex_API import complex_api
formula = "A6B9C1D1E1"
from Complex_API import complex_api
formula = "45713" # any number
from Complex_API import complex_api
text = "Hi" # any text
If you find any bugs or have new ideas,
Feel free to raise a
new issue
Or a
pull request