This repository was developed as part of my master thesis at TUM.
I use the novel C-DAG ( framework as background knowledge for causal discovery.
Find my thesis at . Find the data used for the simulation studies at .
Installation (requires Python 3.10):
Clone the repository in a folder of your choice:
git clone
Certain foldernames in the notebooks or in clustercausal/experiments/
might have to be changed to adjust from Windows to macOS or Linux to work properly.
Change directory to the repository(Windows):
cd .\clustercausal\
cd clustercausal
Create a virtual environment(Windows):
python -m venv env
python3 -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment(Windows):
source env/bin/activate
(To deactivate the virtual environment after one is done, run deactivate
for both Windows and macOS)
Install the requirements (same for Windows and macOS):
pip install -r requirements.txt
To be able to calculate SID in the metrics one needs to install R (version 4.3.1 is recommended). In addition, one needs to change os.environ[ "R_HOME" ] = "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.3.1"
in clustercausal/experiments/
to the path where R is installed.
For custom graphs see Cluster_PC_example.ipynb.
For simulation studies and evaluation see Cluster_PC_simulation_gridsearch.ipynb and Cluster_PC_simulation_mass_simulation.ipynb.
pytest --cov