π± Mobile app for making trades on TDEX
- Download iOS from App Store
- Download Android from Play Store or install the APK from Github Releases
Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful for development.
For now Nigiri doesn't support websocket connections to ElectrumX. But you can use
$ docker run --net=nigiri -d -p 1234:1234 ghcr.io/vi/websocat:0.11.0 -b ws-l: tcp:electrs-liquid:50001
Runs the project in development/watch mode in the browser. Your project will be rebuilt upon changes.
Transpile TypeScript and bundles the app for production to the build
Runs the app on the Emulator with target Android
Runs the app on the Simulator with target iOS
Runs eslint on the whole project
- Docker/compose
First, you need a Liquid regtest node to simulate a blockchain enviroment. The fastest way is to download and install Nigiri CLI
- Download and install
command line interface
$ curl https://getnigiri.vulpem.com | bash
- Close and reopen your terminal, then start Bitcoin and Liquid
$ nigiri start --liquid
That's it. Quickly inspect the Liquid blockchain on http://localhost:5001 for Liquid. The Esplora REST API interface is on http://locahost:3001
- Pull the tdex daemon container
$ docker pull ghcr.io/tdex-network/tdexd:latest
- Run on Regtest connecting to Nigiri explorer and using regtest LBTC asset hash and mint USDt
$ yarn tdex:run
- Clean
$ yarn tdex:clean
Change elements configuration by adding
and commentinginitialfreecoins=2100000000000000
Otherwise you should get error{"code":-26,"message":"pegin-no-witness,nopeg-inwitnessattached"}
Change LBTC_ASSET[network].assetHash in
$ nigiri start --liquid
- Generate coins for testing
$ ./script/pegin.sh
- xCode
- Android Studio
- fastlane
brew install fastlane
For internal releases (Testflight or debug APK):
- iOS: build on local machine with fastlane and upload to TestFlight
yarn build:ios
fastlane ios beta
(this will increment build number only)
- Android: APK build on local machine with fastlane
yarn build:android
fastlane android apk
To release to stores:
- run tag.sh to make a new git tag, increments iOS & Android projects and push it to master
- iOS: build on local machine with fastlane and upload to AppStore
yarn build:ios
fastlane ios prod
- Android: APK build on local machine with fastlane
yarn build:android
fastlane android prod
- The git tag will trigger
to create a Github Release.