Releases: Jeff-Russ/next-markdown-journal
Releases · Jeff-Russ/next-markdown-journal
- Light and dark theme with easy styling customization with Tailwind 3.0.
- Mobile-friendly and responsive
- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps, etc.
- Preconfigured security headers
- Newsletter support using mailchimp, buttondown, convertkit, klaviyo and revue
- Analytics support with plausible, simple analytics and google analytics
- For all MD/MDX pages:
- Code blocks with syntax highlighting, copy button, line numbers and line highlighting via rehype-prism-plus
- Math blocks and inline math display supported via KaTeX
- Citation / bibliography support with rehype-citation
- Support for nested routing of blog posts and pages
- Blog/Journal Posts with script for generating boilerplate with metadata (Frontmatter):
- Support for tags - each unique tag will be its own page
- Support for multiple authors
- Table of Contents component
- Comment system using giscus, utterances or disqus