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Jenner Palacios edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the PokeHelp-Bot wiki!

User Commands

Img .

Mod Commands

Img .

Admin Commands

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DM Warning for Adv

Img .

Command !warn in #modlog

user gets similar DM Img .

Command !mute in #modlog

user gets similar DM Img .

Command !kick in #modlog

user gets similar DM Img .

Command !ban in chat and #modlog

user gets similar DM Img .

SpoofNinja compatible - autoBan on join

when joining personal server or spoof server - more features to come... Img .

Command !pogo

Img .

ServerEvent: join, aka guildMemberAdd()

Pokemon-theme joining messages. Img .

Command !weather

You need to add emojies found in "img/pokeTypeColor" folder, to your server Img .

Command !tag - Temporary tag (role)

user self-assigned through command Img .

Command !temprole/trole

Temporary Role; staff assigned; for giveaway/competitions/raffles... Img Img .

Command !role - Role Management

Img .

Command !stats - Disply server online stats

Img .

Command !info - for user, server, and bot

Img Img Img .

Auto LevelRole

Define a channel where users will post a picture, followed by text - number - of their level. Bot will auto assign that Level-role - if role exist within the server Img .

Command !team

Either self assigned capable, role-managed (if you define a role), or staff-managed Img .

Mention the bot + joke + [chuck/norris]

bot will mention a random fun-fact about Chuck Norris Img .

Command !trivia

Need to launch optional module: funBot.js Img .

Chat Activity/Trivia Activity

Points system - Need to launch optional module: funBot.js Img .

Role Synchronization across multiple servers

Need to launch optional module: rolesBot.js - Role changes done in one server, bot will attempt to add/remove/update same roles in another server - if the member is present Img