Star War Quiz Game is a API Hackathon Project .
This is a web application created during the BrainStation Software Engineering program as part of an API Hackathon challenge. This challenge was conducted in pairs, and we had six hours to complete it. We utilized the Star Wars API (SWAPI) to build this application, applying our skills in HTML, Sass, and JavaScript.
Vehicle Information Retrieval: Fetching 10 vehicles from SWAPI and randomly selecting 2 to display on the web page.
Speed Comparison Quiz: Allowing users to choose which of the displayed vehicles is the fastest.
Answer Validation: Checking the user's answer based on the "max_atmosphering_speed" data from the API.
Image Matching: Automatically matching and displaying local images of the vehicles based on their names retrieved from the API.
- HTML: For structuring the web page.
- Sass: For styling the web page, making it visually appealing and easier to maintain.
- JavaScript: For implementing data retrieval, game logic, and user interactions.
Jennifer Zhan
Fiorella Marky
Special thanks to the education team @BrainStation and fellow students of the BrainStation Software Engineering program for their support and assistance!
Special thanks to the developers of the SWAPI for providing an excellent resource for Star Wars data and to all the online communities and resources that assisted in the development of this project!