Jeremy Pike, COMPARE
Fiji/ImageJ is a leading open-source image analysis application. This course will briefly cover introductory aspects of image processing and analysis theory, but will focus on practical sessions where participants will gain hands on experience.
After this course particpants should be able to:
Perform basic image handling, manipulation and visualisation using Fiji. This will include working with multi-channel, z-stack and time-lapse data.
Understand and use meta-data, for example adding scale bars to images.
Load common microscopy formats using Bio-formats.
Perform volume rendering using ClearVolume.
Use simple image analysis and processing techniques. To include automated thresholding, de-noising, spot detection and background subtraction.
Design and construct routine analysis workflows.
Perform batch processing using the ImageJ macro language (if time allows).
Find information online for further study. For example learning resources and forums.
The material for this course was originally developed at the Cancer Resarch UK Cambridge institute.