This is the repository for recording my CS110L-2020-Spring homework.
- Course Name: Safety in Systems Programming
- Course Number: CS110L
- Study Period: 2024.8.22-2024.8.26
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- IDE: Visual Studio Code
- rustc: 1.80.0
Implement the DEET debugger (Dodgy Eliminator of Errors and Tragedies) to get the deets on those pesky bugs in your code.
There is a bug that the debugger cannot show the file name and line number on Ubuntu 22.04, but it works on Ubuntu 20.04, I have no idea why.
- Stopping, resuming, and restarting the inferior
- Printing a backtrace
- Print stopped location
- Setting breakpoints
- Continuing from breakpoints
- Next line: like GDB
command - Print source code on stop
- Print variables
Load balancers are a crucial component for providing scalability and availability to networked services, and in this assignment, you’ll feel out the internals of a load balancer and learn what makes them tick!
- Add multithreading
- Use asynchronous I/O
- Failover with passive health checks
- Failover with active health checks
- Rate limiting (fix window algorithm) Article