I am an aspiring web developer based in Connecticut, and I've been working with computers for a very long time. Always discovering and applying my real world experience to my work to constantly adapt and become a more skilled learner every day. I love working with a team and solving problems, I guess thats why I'm here!
Primary Languages: Javascript(ES6), CSS, HTML5
Tools and Libraries: MongoDB and Mongoose, SQL and Sequelize, React.js, Express.js, Node.js, Handlebars.js, JQuery, Bootstrap and Tailwind, Browserify.js and many more.
Workspace Utilities: Git, GitLab and GitHub, VSCode, Heroku, Insomnia, GraphQL Playground, Jest.
I've been facinated by computers since I was pretty young. Back in the days of the early "Guitar Hero" games I actually create my own songs to be played in the game and alter game code to include them! Then MySpace came out shortly after and basically gave me a crash course in HTML. The rest is really history after that, I was full blown nerd status obsessed with computers (even build all of my personal PCs and friends PCs since then!).
I'm a musician and have played in many bands and played many differents styles of music! I'm a guitar player but have have known to dabble with other instruments (terribly). Here is a link to my current band's music!
A couple of side hobbies of mine are golfing and gaming!