Welcome to my web portfolio! This project showcases my past projects, skills, and experience in a dynamic and interactive way. It's built using React, SASS, and Typescript and is based off Create React App.
Single Page Design: The homepage provides easy access to relevant information through scrolling or navigation links.
Project Showcase: Explore a collection of my past projects, each with its own details, technologies used, and links to live demos or repositories.
Skills Section: Discover the range of skills I possess, categorized for clarity. From programming languages to frameworks and tools, get insights into my technical proficiency.
Contact form: Contact form with relevant contact information throughout the site.
Responsive Design: The portfolio is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.
Accessibility: Prioritize inclusivity with accessibility features, ensuring a user-friendly experience for individuals with diverse needs.
SEO: Enhance visibility and reach a wider audience by implementing SEO best practices, optimizing the site for search engines.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- React
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
- Node.js installed on your machine.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/JoeCastle/PortfolioV3.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd PortfolioV3
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to view the web portfolio.
- src: Contains the source code for the React application.
- components: React components including pages and sections.
- home-sections: The main sections of the homepage.
- pages: Individual pages.
- shared: Components shared across multiple components or pages.
- data: Typescript objects storing data used on the website such as projects and skills.
- scss: SASS files for styling the components and pages.
- components: React components including pages and sections.
- cypress Tests folder containing Cypress integration and component tests.
- public Static folder containing index.html, favicon and other assets.
npm start
npm run build
npm test
npm eject
npm run pretty
npm run cypress:open
npm run cypress-component
npm run cypress-e2e
npm run update-project-date
- Updates the date in
to the current date.
- Updates the date in
- Write README.md.
- Update styling and structure of the About and Landing sections.
- Improve UX by updating styling for buttons and links.
- Update styling and structure of the Contact section.
- Update styling and structure of the footer.
- Update general copy.
- Update project copy.
- Add cypress tests.
- Add jest tests.
The code in this project is licensed under the terms of the LICENSE-website, while the content, including text and media, is licensed under the LICENSE-content. See the respective files for detailed licensing information.