A #MachineLearning project with the aim to mark and count #Bees, #Wasps and #Hornets (appriviation used : #BWH) in a picture.
This Project has the following dependency: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet or the original https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
Darknet is a tool which implements a neural-net; The core of every detection-set is
- a Weights-File
- the corresponding config-File
- the correspondig Class-Naming-File
The training of the weights-file is time- and power-consuming; and espacialy for Bees, Wasps and Hornet (#bwh) not an easy thing to do;
This Repository contains several config and weights-Files in ongoing state. The quality is actually good for the use it was initialy created:
The BeeCam is a 4MP-Webcam. A lower resulotion may work but quality may differ; The distance to the #Bee-Hive is about 50-60 cm.
The taken picture can have variete of sizes;
Depending of the picture it can contain thounsands of bwh (where every #bwh is only some pixels big) - or just one big.
Wasps and Bees are a Category - and there are many different kinds; This weights-file are trained on "German Wasps / Vespula germanica" and "Gemeine Wespe / Vespula vulgaris"
The main issue - i did have - was a big enough dataset espacially for #Wasps and #Hornets. I did uses the following tool to #Label all Images: https://github.com/Cartucho/OpenLabeling The labeled image-dataset can be requested by issue;
This project assumes that the "darknet-binary" is in the $PATH-Variable of your OS.
On Windows the most easy way to build it - is this; But it may depend on updates of the darknet-repository.
- Download Visual-Studio 2017 and install;
- If not available -- install GIT
- optional
- Clone VCPKG
- set environment-variable VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET : x64-windows
- set environment-variable VCPKG_ROOT : path-where-you-put-vcpkg
- build VCPKG like described in quickstart.
- Open a Terminal or Powershell enter
and run./vcpkg install darknet[opencv]
or./vcpkg install darknet[opencv-cuda]
Be patient -- it did take about 2-3 hours to compile everything
- Add to environment variable PATH the following:
Now you should be able to start darknet.exe from every fresh CMD-Term or Powershell.