A simple C script to do definite integration using Simpson's Rule
Uses tinyexpr, a library that converts strings into math expressions.
Run the script with the following arguments (increment, lowerBound, upperBound, expression)
Increment: a decimal number which represents the size of each simpsons rule increment.
Lower Bound: a decimal number which represents the lower bound of the definite integral.
Upper Bound: a decimal number which represents the upper bound of the definite integral.
Expression: A string which represents the mathmatical formula, must use only X as a variable. Do not include spaces in this expression, you may use standard math.h library functions like sqrt().
Will print out a decimal approximation of the integral.
Example arguments (.001, 0, 5, x^2)
Output: 41.641677
This script will check to make sure you enter only 4 arguments, if you don't it will output:
Incorrect arguments! Please use: double increment, double lowerbound, double upperbound, string expression
This script will not check to make sure the arguments are correct data types.