Retro street fighter game. Node, Express, Socket.IO & HTML5 Canvas
All graphics are made by myself excepts for the active game background and the Fistycuffs McGee image. PSD's for game and character design can be downloaded here:
Node & NPM must be installed to run and init this game locally. See -
Once Node and NPM are installed:
run npm install
to install Express and
run node server
to start the server listening on port 3000.
Navigate to localhost:3000 in a browser to the play game.
(Make sure to run above in the root of game directory)
- server.js Contains Node.JS reqirements. Creates server using Express & Node and binds to listen on port 3000. Init function and event handlers for socket are created in this file.
- Player.js Server side Player class that is used for Fighter characters. Slimmed down class with getters, setter & an export statement.
- package.json Used for dependency management and project details.
- /public All client side code.
- /public/images Game image assets.
- /public/index.html Game HTML page. Served with express when client hits the server. Contains client side script tags and canvas element.
- /public/js/main.js Initializes global variables. init() game function. Event handlers for draw(), update(), animate() and newGame() functions.
- /public/js/IntroAndfighterSelection.js Functions for intro & fighter selection screen.
- /public/js/Keys.js Handles gameplay Keyboard interaction.
- /public/js/Player.js Clientside Player class for Fighter.
- /public/js/helper.js Helper functions.
- /public/js/requestAnimationFrame.js Optimized request animation frame shim written by Paul Irish.
Game is not completed. See PSD's to get an idea of what the finished game will look like.
Some major updates include:
- Finish gameplay: Create character collusion events, add health meter, add "Winner"/"Game Over" screens.
- Use a sprite sheet to improve efficiency and improve load time over network.
- Make animation smoother/ create more graphics for character movement.
- Add platforms for fighter to jump on.
- Add power ups.
Tutorial followed for scaffolding out multiplayer architecture: