This is how homepage will look like at initial render if nothing goes wrong 😅
Preview this project here 👉 SilverStore
- React
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- JWT (Authentication)
Light / Dark theme toggler
Double Click on the icon (Logo) to toggle between light and dark theme (It will popup one notification on initial render about this)
Search for product
Search for product with its keyword to naviagate straight to that product
Random product
If you have lot of money and dont know what to buy then you can use this to make desicions.😅
In products page you can see list of all products and you can filter those products by its category, company and its price.
In products page you can toggle between list or grid view to see the products.
Single product
In product detail page you can see expanded detail about single product like, specifications, and reviews.
Add products to cart
You can add products to your cart for later purchasing 😉
Add review to the product
You can add Review to the product (One review for one product)
Increase or decrease product count in cart
After product added to cart you can increase or decrease it count as your need.
Remove product from cart
Remove product from cart if you dont want to be purchased with your real money.😅
Checkout your products
You can checkout your products in cart to get your products delivered to your home, be ready with money 😉
- Simple signup method with username, email and password.
- After signup if its real email you will get welcome mail.
Login user with password checking
Forgot password
If you forgot your password then you can provide your email and get reset password link in your mail.
If your are logged in then you can access your profile page, here you can
- Upload your profile picture
- Update your Username or Email
- Update your password
This profile picture will be visible in reviews you added on products.