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Student Management System (Version 3)

Live Demo

Try the application here: Student Management System


This project is an enhanced version of the Student Management System, designed to manage student information efficiently with advanced features and stricter data validation. Building on Version 2, Version 3 introduces unique student IDs, configurable email domains, phone number formatting, controlled status changes, time-based deletion restrictions, and export capabilities for student status certificates. All data continues to be stored in the browser's local storage, with added unit tests and code coverage for improved reliability.


  • Add Student: Add new student records with detailed information Add Student Interface
  • Update Student: Edit existing student records Edit Student Interface
  • List Student: Displays a list of students and possible tasks List Student
  • Search Students: Search for students by name, department, and other criteria
  • Filter Students: Filter students by gender, department, course, program, and status Search Students Interface
  • Import/Export Data: Import and export student data in CSV and JSON formats Export CSV Export JSON
  • Category Management: Manage categories such as departments, programs, and statuses Category Interface Edit Category
  • Logging: Log all actions for auditing and troubleshooting Logging
  • Unique Student ID (MSSV): Ensure student IDs are unique when adding or updating records
  • Configurable Email Domains: Restrict email addresses to specific domains (e.g.,
  • Valid Phone Number Formatting: Enforce country-specific phone number formats (e.g., +84 or 0[3|5|7|8|9]xxxxxxxx for Vietnam)
  • Controlled Student Status Changes: Allow status changes only according to predefined rules (e.g., "Studying" → "On Leave", "Graduated", or "Suspended", but not "Graduated" back to "Studying") Validation
  • Time-Based Deletion: Allow deletion of student records only within a configurable time frame (e.g., 30 minutes) after creation Limit-Time
  • Toggle Validation Rules: Enable or disable validation rules dynamically by config file
  • University Branding: Display the university logo or name on all screens Display Logo
  • Category Deletion with Constraints: Allow deletion of departments, statuses, or programs only if no student data is associated Delete Constraint
  • Export Student Status Certificates: Generate student status certificates in two formats (HTML, MD) Export HTML Certificates Export Markdown Certificates
  • Unit Tests and Code Coverage: Implement unit tests and measure code coverage for key modules (logManager.js, studentManager.js) Test

Project Structure

├── .gitignore
├── assets
├── categoryFunctions.js
├── categoryManager.js
├── config.js
├── config.json
├── coverage
├── docs/
│   └── unit_test_group_work.pdf
├── index.html
├── log.test.js
├── logFunctions.js
├── logManager.js
├── main.js
├── package.json
├── screenshots
├── setup.test.js
├── studentFunctions.js
├── studentManager.js
├── studentManager.test.js
└── style.css

File Descriptions

  • categoryFunctions.js: Contains functions for category management.
  • categoryManager.js: Manages categories such as departments, programs, and statuses. Includes functions to add, remove, and display categories, with checks for data constraints.
  • config.js: Contains logic for loading and initializing configurations.
  • config.json: Configuration file for the application.
  • coverage/: Directory containing coverage reports generated by Jest.
  • docs/: Directory containing documentation.
    • unit_test_group_work.pdf: Documentation on unit testing.
  • index.html: The main HTML file that provides the user interface for the application, including university branding.
  • log.test.js: Contains unit tests for the log manager.
  • logFunctions.js: Contains functions for log management.
  • logManager.js: Manages the logging of actions. Includes functions to add, clear, and filter logs, with unit tests for reliability.
  • main.js: Main JavaScript file that initializes the application and handles events.
  • package.json: Contains project metadata and dependencies.
  • screenshots/: Contains screenshots demonstrating the application's features.
  • setup.test.js: Contains setup code for unit tests.
  • studentFunctions.js: Contains functions for student management.
  • studentManager.js: Manages student records. Includes functions to add, update, delete, search, and filter students, handle imports/exports, enforce unique IDs, email domains, phone formats, status rules, and time-based deletions.
  • studentManager.test.js: Contains unit tests for the student manager.
  • style.css: Contains the CSS styles for the application, including university logo integration.


  • Node.js
  • Jest (for unit testing and code coverage)


Method 1: Using Git and Node.js

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd student-management
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Install Live Server (if not already installed):

    npm install -g live-server
  4. Run the application:

    npm start
  5. Open the application:

    • The application should automatically open in your default web browser
    • If not, navigate to (your port) in your browser

Method 2: Using VS Code Live Server

  1. Open the project folder in VS Code
  2. Install the Live Server extension (if not already installed)
  3. Right-click on index.html and select "Open with Live Server"
  4. The application will open in your browser

Running Tests and Code Coverage

Run unit tests:

npm test

Generate code coverage report:

npm run coverage

The coverage report will be available in the coverage folder.