The official bot for the Discord Server.
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create a .env
file with the correct value
npm install
npm run prisma
npm run dev
run /verify-all-users
to verify all users in the server and the db.
- Description: Deletes messages from a channel.
- Options:
- amount: Delete message history.
- Description: Get your stats.
- Description: Member flow and count of the past.
- Description: Get top user stats.
- Description: Translate text to English.
- Options:
- text: The text to translate.
- Description: Troll move user around empty voice channels.
- Options:
- user: Select either user which should be moved.
- Description: Get stats from a specific user.
- Options:
- user: Select the user whose stats should be shown.
- Description: Verify all users in the server.
- Description: Talk to the AI
- Options:
- text: Ask the AI a question.
docker exec -i coding-global-db pg_restore -U postgres -c -d coding-global-db -v < ~/coding-global-db-latest.sql.gz
docker exec -ti coding-global-db pg_dump -U postgres coding-global-db > coding-global-db.sql
cat coding-global-db.sql | docker exec -i coding-global-db psql -U postgres -d coding-global-db