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Wonderflux 2.3

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@Jonnyauk Jonnyauk released this 22 Jul 18:29
· 132 commits to master since this release

41 commits since last release with 68 changed files with 892 additions and 578 deletions! Includes more work on Flux Layout, new Flux Layout options, new filters, improved documentation/admin options text and some more data validation functions for advanced theme builders.

Please ensure that you read through the commits relevant to this release BEFORE you update Wonderflux (everything should work fine, but really, please do read - it's kinda important!) Highlights in this release include:
  • Fully tested and compatible upto WordPress v4.5x (with backwards compatibility to WordPress v4.0x)
Cool new stuff and improvements
  • Flux Layout: Improved and responsive push and pull CSS position classes.
  • Flux Layout: New admin option to define additional multiple CSS layout grid configs.
  • Flux Layout: More sophisticated traditional columns.
  • Flux Layout: New admin option to set gutter width for traditional columns.
  • Additional 'archive-page-no-x' class added to post_class to indicate archive page number.
  • Extend html5 output with core WordPress support.
  • Extend wfx_get_template_part() search support - fallback to {templatepart}-archive.php if {templatepart}-search.php doesn’t exist.
  • Better integration with Yoast SEO plugin, don't duplicate Yoast options, use them instead!
New functions
  • wfx_allowed_simple_tags() - returns array of limited HTML tags to be used with kses or similar.
New files
  • None
New filters
  • wflux_page_counter_div - filter for class of containing div in wfx_page_counter() page navigation function.
Various bug fixes
  • Fix issues with minified Flux Layout custom output in admin area.
  • Fix bug in wfx_debug() function so it can output the number 0.
  • Fix bug when output set to html5.
  • Extend support for Yoast SEO and remove duplicate options if active.
  • Updated translation .pot (was missed on last release, sorry!)
  • Nothing major to note - should work fine if you're upgrading from Wonderflux v2.2!
  • Removed wf-content/backgrounds/ directory - redundant.
  • Removed WF_THEME constant - this was marked for removal a long time ago… you should use WF_THEME_URL constant instead.
  • Removed loop-content-search.php core Wonderflux template part file - you can still create it in your child theme, but loop-content-archive.php is used as a fallback instead.