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Jory Hogeveen edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 36 revisions

Note! A lot of functionality on this plugin is hooked into the plugins_loaded action. For this reason your theme functions aren't loaded yet! Please create a plugin (or must-use plugin) to use most of these filters.



Since 1.4
Change the meta_keys to use for role defaults.

@param   array  $meta  Default metadata
@return  array  $meta

By default it uses the following meta keys:
%% stands for a wildcard which could be anything.

admin_color            »  The admin color
rich_editing           »  Enable/Disable rich editing
metaboxhidden_%%       »  Hidden metaboxes
meta-box-order_%%      »  Metabox order and locations
closedpostboxes_%%     »  Hidden post boxes
edit_%%_per_page       »  Amount of items per page in edit.php pages
manage%%columnshidden  »  Hidden columns in edit.php pages
screen_layout_%%       »  Screen layout (number of columns)

The following meta keys are forbidden:
%% stands for the table prefix

vaa-view-admin-as  »  Meta value for this plugin
%%capabilities     »  The user’s capabilities
%%user_level       »  The user’s user level
session_tokens     »  The user’s session tokens
nickname           »  The user’s nickname
first_name         »  The user’s first name
last_name          »  The user’s last name
description        »  The user’s description


add_filter( 'view_admin_as_role_defaults_meta', 'my_vaa_meta_filter' );
function my_vaa_meta_filter( $metakeys ) {
	// Adding a new meta key:
	$metakeys['new_meta_key'] = true; // Or anything that parses to true
	// Removing a new meta key
	unset( $metakeys['rich_editing'] );
	// Always return the metakeys!!
	return $metakeys;


Since: 1.5.2
Give admins the capability to view and edit other admins

@param  array
@return array requires a returned array of user ID's

Note: Super admins only!
All returned user ID's will be validated with is_super_admin()


add_filter( 'view_admin_as_superior_admins', 'my_superior_admins' );
function my_superior_admins() {
	// Give user ID 2 superior access
	return 2;
	// Give user ID's 2 and 4 superior access
	return array( 2, 4 );

Example 2:

add_filter( 'view_admin_as_superior_admins', 'my_superior_admins' );
function my_superior_admins() {
	// Get your user object
	$user = get_user_by( 'email', 'test@your.domain' );
	if ( isset( $user->ID ) ) {
		// Return your user ID
		return $user->ID;

The best way to do this is by creating a new file in the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory. There you can create a new file vaa-superior-admin.php where you add this code. The mu-plugins are "Must Use plugins" that are loaded at the beginning of WP (even before all other plugins). Also, they cannot be edited anywhere in the WP UI.

Gist snippet example:


Since: 1.8
Filter the capabilities required to gain full access to this plugin.
Default: edit_users & delete_plugins

@param  array     $caps  The default capabilities.
@param  \WP_User  $user  The user that is being validated.
@return array
  • Single site only!
  • is_super_admin() is always checked!


Since: 1.6.2
Change expiration time for view meta

@param  int  $viewExpiration  86400 (1 day in seconds)
@return int
  • You can set it to 1 to always clear everything after login
  • 0 will be overwritten!


Since: 1.6.2
Since: 1.7 Added first NULL parameter and third $key parameter.
Validate the data for a view type. (See view_admin_as_view_types)
Hook is required!

@param  null    $null   Ensures a validation filter is required.
@param  mixed   $value  Unvalidated view data.
@param  string  $key    The data key.
@return mixed   validated view data for type


Since: 1.7
Ajax return filters.

@param   null    $null   Null.
@param   mixed   $value  View data value.
@param   string  $key    View data key.
@return  bool|array {
    In case of array. Uses wp_json_return() structure.
    @type  bool   $success  Send JSON success or error?
    @type  array  $data {
        Optional extra data to send with the JSON return.
        In case of a view the page normally refreshes.
        @type  string  $redirect  (URL) Redirect the user? (Only works on success).
        @type  string  $display   Options: notice   A notice type in the admin bar
                                           popup    A popup/overlay with content
        @type  string  $type      Options: success  Ureka! (green)      - Default when $success is true
                                           error    Send an error (red) - Default when $success is false
                                           message  Just a message (blue)
                                           warning  Send a warning (orange)
        @type  string  $text      The text to show
        @type  array   $list      Show multiple messages (Popup only)
        @type  string  $textarea  Textarea content (Popup only)


Since: 1.7
See view_admin_as_handle_ajax_{KEY}
This is the filter triggered for registerd view types.


Since: 1.7.2
The priority value of the VAA user_has_cap filter.
Runs as last for caps views and as first for all other views.

@param   int  $priority
@return  int


Since: 1.5
Get all capabilities (also checks for other known plugins)

@param  array  $capabilities
@return array  $capabilities


(previously: _vaa_add_capabilities)
NOTE: ONLY add capabilities used by this plugin!

Since: 1.5
Since: 1.6.3 Changed to view_admin_as_add_capabilities
Add capabilities to the list of this plugin's capabilities

@param  array  $capabilities
@return array  $capabilities


Since: 1.7
Add data to the VAA script localization

@param  array  $array  Empty array (Will be overwritten with VAA core data so use unique keys).
@return array


Since: 1.6.2
Add or remove options to the die handler pages

@param  array  $options {
	Required array of arrays.
	@type  array {
		@type  string  $text  The text to show.
		@type  string  $url   The link.
@return array


Since: 1.7
Set the default global settings.
ID is not set for core settings: view_admin_as_default_global_settings

@param  array
@return array


Since: 1.7
Set the allowed global settings.
ID is not set for core settings: view_admin_as_allowed_global_settings

@param  array {
    Settings array (key = setting name).
    @type  array  Array of allowed values.
@return array


Since: 1.7
Set the default settings for users.
ID is not set for core settings: view_admin_as_default_user_settings

@param  array
@return array


Since: 1.7
Set the allowed settings for users.
ID is not set for core settings: view_admin_as_allowed_user_settings

@param  array {
    Settings array (key = setting name).
    @type  array  Array of allowed values.
@return array


Since: 1.6
Add classes to the VAA toolbar menu (front only)

@param  array  $array  Empty array.
@return array


Since: 1.7.5
Force own locale on view. Overwrites the user setting.

@param  bool  $freeze_locale  The user setting.
@return bool


Since: 1.8
Change the limit for querying users.

@param  int  $limit  Default: 100.
@return int


Since: 1.7.4
Set the priority in which the adminbar root node is added.

@param  int     $priority
@param  string  $parent  The main VAA node parent.
@return int


Since: 1.7.5
Filter the title to show when a view is applied.

@param  array  $title   The current title(s).
@param  array  $view    The view data.
@return array


Since: 1.6
Since: 1.7.5 Renamed from vaa_admin_bar_viewing_as_title.
Filter the title to show when a view is applied. This filter is hooked after the initial parsing of view titles. See vaa_admin_bar_view_titles.

@param  string  $title   The current title.
@param  array   $view    The view data.
@return string


Since: 1.8
Change the display title for view type nodes..

@param  string  $title  The default view title. (Example: WP_User->display_name for the user view type)
@param  mixed   $view   The view type value. (Example: WP_User for the user view type).
@return array


Since: 1.8
Add the user roles to the user title? Only available if users are not grouped under their roles.

@param  bool      $true  True by default.
@param  \WP_User  $user  The user object.
@return bool


Since: 1.7.5
Whether the capability manager should be loaded as a submenu from the title element or as a separate node below the title.
Default: true
Useful if you have a plugin that adds another sub-node below the capability title.

@param  bool  $do_title_submenu
@return bool


Since: 1.8.1
Force AJAX search for view types at all times.
Note: Currently only available for user views (view_admin_as_user_ajax_search)
Default: false

@param  bool  $do_title_submenu
@return bool



Since: 1.6.2
Deprecated since: 1.8
Add basic view types for automated use in JS and view data validation

@param  array of strings (view types)
@return array of strings (view types)
  • Menu items require the class vaa-{TYPE}-item (through the add_node() meta key)
  • Menu items require the rel attribute for the view data to be send (string or numeric)
  • Menu items require the href attribute (the node needs to be an <a> element).
  • See: VAA_API::get_vaa_action_link()
  • See: VAA_View_Admin_As_Admin_Bar::do_view_title()