2D, 2 Player, Tank game, inspired by "FirePower" on the Amiga
To run the game from BlitzBasic, get a copy of BlizBasic (BlitzBasic3D), from here: https://github.com/blitz-research/blitz3d (see readme, how to get the executable)
Also, you need to check out this library: https://github.com/JoystickAndCursorKeys/blitz3d.lib
You can also just download the latest distribution here: https://github.com/JoystickAndCursorKeys/tankrampage/blob/main/build/distr/0.8/TankRampage0.8.zip
When compiling it, you need the file fmod.dll, to be next to your executable (.exe file). This file can be found in the lib directory.
For more info, see the Wiki: https://github.com/JoystickAndCursorKeys/tankrampage/wiki