the purpose is to build a Pokedex in a command-line REPL using Golang and the Pokedex API.
A REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) is a programming environment that allows users to enter commands and see the results of their commands as they are being executed.
Pokedex is a free and open-source API that provides access to Pokémon data. It is a great way to learn about the Pokémon universe and how to use the API.
- Practice writing a CLI application in Golang
- Practice making HTTP Requests in Go
- Learn how to parse JSON in Go
- Learn about caching and how to use it to improve performance
- help - Shows a list of Commands
- exit - Exits the CLI
- map - Displays the names of 20 location areas in the Pokemon world
- mapb - Similar to the map command, however, instead of displaying the next 20 locations, it displays the previous 20 locations. It's a way to go back.
- explore [area-name] - List all the Pokemon in a given area
- catch [pokemon-name] - Catch a Pokemon
- inspect [pokemon-name] - Inspect a Pokemon's stats
The basic idea was to make as separated as possible all the concerns of the application. For example, take the allCommands/ folder, inside we have separated in different files each command to do exactly what the need to.
- Add more commands (like simulate a battle between two Pokemon)
- Add some testing to the Project
- Explore the PokeApi more to get new ideas