Finding pleasant cafes to grab coffee and to work at
Filter and save specific work environment information about nearby places
You'll need to download NodeJS and install to
(Node Package Manager) to PATH so that you can run commands to download packages used to create React projects. -
The main package you'll need is a separate package manager called
, which functions similarly (like a super layer) tonpm
- NextJS uses
by default yarn
installs packages in parallel rather than one-by-one, likenpm
's lockfile is a lot more sturdy thannpm
's lockfile
npm install --global yarn
- You'll need Firebase installed globally
npm install -g firebase-tools
yarn global add firebase-tools
- You'll need git installed to copy the project into your local directory
- You'll need a copy of
for your development environment
# Copy and setup your environment: copies .env.example into new files .env.development and .env.production
# .env.production is not currently used (TODO: import into Dockerfile)
# .env.development is used by Next.js locally
cp .env.example .env.development .env.production
# Go to your preferred project directory; a folder called teawork will be added
git clone
cd teawork
# Installing the React app; a browser tab should open at localhost:3000
# Use yarn dev instead of docker compose up for local development; docker compose up will use real production environment
yarn install
yarn dev
# New deploying:
yarn deploy:firebase
yarn deploy:gcp
yarn deploy:cloudflare
# Old deploying to Firebase; make sure to comment out lines to connect emulators in /lib/firebase/client-app.ts before deploying
# Optional flag: --except functions
yarn build && firebase --project teaworkapp deploy
# Deploying app to live on GCP; make sure to comment out lines to connect emulators in /lib/firebase/client-app.ts before deploying
docker compose build
gcloud builds submit --tag --project teaworkapp
gcloud run deploy --image --project teaworkapp --platform managed
- Open the emulator at localhost:4000/firestore
- Also exports/imports emulator data to
firebase --project="teaworkapp" emulators:start --only auth,firestore,storage --export-on-exit ./emulatorData --import ./emulatorData
firebase --project="teaworkapp"
identifies the projectteawork
to run commands onfirebase emulators:start
starts emulators that were setup infirebase.json
firebase emulators:start --only auth,firestore,storage
starts emulators for auth, Firestore (NoSQL database), storage (file storage like images)firebase --import ./emulatorData
imports previously-exported data frompresent working director/emulatorData
firebase --export-on-exit ./emulatorData
exports all your local Firestore data when you close your emulatorsfirebase deploy
deploys app to Firebase Hosting
- Close emulator with (
) ONCE; twice might improperly terminate the emulators and prevent you from opening another on the same port
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:8080)
- In VSCode, install the extension Prettier
- Go to your VSCode JSON settings:
- Command Palette -> Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
- Add the following code to the JSON object
- Whenever you save a file, it'll run automatic formatting based on rules defined in
// settings.json
"editor.tabSize": 2,
// Add this to enable autosave in VSCode with Prettier
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
- I also use file auto-save whenever I switch to a different page/window, mimicking Webstorm
"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange"
We're using ESLint to test for basic JavaScript and TypeScript errors
You can run lint
and type-check
to check for basic project syntax errors
# In root directory (/teawork)
yarn lint
yarn type-check
const newUserRef = await addDoc(db.userCollection, { userData });
const userDoc = await getDoc(newUserRef);
if (userDoc.exists()) {
const user =;
const existingUser = await getDocs(query(db.userCollection, where('uid', '==', uid)));
if ( {
const user =[0].data();