v0.7.3 (2019-07-19)
Closed issues:
- one function needs maxparallel in FactorGraph01.jl (#345)
- Indefinite pause on CSM (#339)
- Cannot do Tree autoinit with clique containing only partial prior (#335)
Merged pull requests:
- Introduce inferdim::Float64, drop partialinit::Bool (#353) (dehann)
- improve logging during inference (#352) (dehann)
- Required for CloudGraphsDFG (#351) (GearsAD)
- add maxparallel to rmVarFromMarg (#348) (dehann)
- use locks to avoid csm race conditions (#346) (dehann)
- restore test local constraint example for new api (#343) (dehann)
- starting migration fncs to DFG (#342) (dehann)
- expand docs on csmAnimate (#341) (dehann)
- default autoinit=false (#337) (dehann)
- getTreeAllFrontalSyms needs dfg (#336) (dehann)
- fix auto init of clique cycle order (#334) (dehann)
- fix getfnctype bug (#333) (dehann)