IncrementalInference v0.8.5
Closed issues:
- Fix N!=100 for new clique state machine solves (#316)
- tag v0.8.4 (#554)
- Unexpected wait/block on solve, Too many files (#555)
- ERROR: During the resolution of the non-linear system, the evaluation of the following equation(s) resulted in a non-finite number (#561)
Merged pull requests:
- WIP Linear parametric solution (#468) (@Affie)
- add test for N != 100 (#517) (@dehann)
- Cleanup PR468 for merge (#552) (@Affie)
- [BUGFIX] Sub-graph regression (#556) (@Affie)
- fix partial FunctorPairwiseMinimize (#557) (@dehann)
- pass variable constraints (#559) (@dehann)
- not get factor mean Z (#560) (@dehann)
- Draw edge colors based on messages, down:red, up:orange (#562) (@Affie)
- add SolvedCount, (#563) (@dehann)
- Switch to current function version to remove deprecated warning (setSolverData!) (#565) (@tonioteran)
- adding helper for fixed lag (#566) (@dehann)
- better error message on maxparallel (#569) (@dehann)
- Update testBasicGraphs.jl (#570) (@dehann)
- maint and improvements (#571) (@dehann)
- fix getFactorDim return as Int (#572) (@dehann)
- count numBoth marg or reuse (#575) (@dehann)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#582) (@JuliaTagBot)
- fix some deprecate warnings for v0.6 (#583) (@Affie)