- username -> user name to display once the puzzle is completed
- mode -> can be either "dragdrop" or "click". If the browser doesn't support HTML5 drag&drop, the game is automatically fallbacked into "click" mode
- image -> complete url to the image that we use for the puzzle (the original image can be stretched relatively to "colums", "rows" and "pieceSize" parameters)
- columns -> number of columns
- rows -> number of rows
- pieceSize -> size of each squared piece in pixels
- doubleclick -> configuration of double-click action on one piece
- doubleclick.mode -> can be either "link" (opens a link in a new tab) or youtube (display a youtube video inside a popin)
- doubleclick.url -> link url
- doubleclick.id -> youtube video identifier
two sample configuration files are available in the root folder (the one used by the application is config.json)
simply put the repository content into 'DocumentRoot' of an Apache server or 'root' folder for Nginx.
the two given samples can be found on the following urls : http://juliencolin.github.io/puzzle/ http://juliencolin.github.io/puzzle/index2.html
- Chrome 34
- Chrome Canary 36
- Firefox 28/29
- Internet Explorer 10/9(compatibility mode)