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Shared-Memory and Distributed-Memory Parallel Graph Partitioning


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This is KaMinPar, a parallel heuristic solver for the balanced k-way graph partitioning problem.

Given a graph, it aims to divide its vertices into k disjoint blocks of approximately equal weight, minimizing the number of edges crossing between blocks. KaMinPar offers high efficiency and low memory overheads while achieving partitions of similar quality as the widely used Metis algorithm. For example, it can partition the massive hyperlink-2012 graph (approx. 3.5 billion vertices and 112 billion edges) into 30,000 blocks in under 6 minutes on 96 cores, using around 300 GiB RAM. Notably, KaMinPar is also optimized for large k, where it often achieves an order-of-magnitude speedup over competing partitioners. For unweighted input graphs, it guarantees strict adherence to the balance constraint.

Quick-Start (Python and NetworKit)

KaMinPar offers bindings for Python (only available on Linux and macOS), which can be installed via pip:

pip install kaminpar

Check out our documentation and examples to get started. Additionally, we offer bindings for NetworKit, which can also be installed via pip:

pip install kaminpar-networkit

For instance, these allow you to generate, partition and visualize a graph in just a few lines of code:

import networkit as nk
import kaminpar_networkit as kaminpar
from networkit import vizbridges

# Generate a random hyperbolic graph with 100 vertices, average degree 16 and power-law exponent 2.7
graph = nk.generators.HyperbolicGenerator(100, k = 16, gamma = 2.7, T = 0).generate()

# Partition the graph into 4 blocks with a maximum imbalance of 3%
partition = kaminpar.KaMinPar(graph).computePartitionWithEpsilon(4, 0.03)

# Draw the graph and the partition
fig = nk.vizbridges.widgetFromGraph(
    dimension = nk.vizbridges.Dimension.Three, 
    nodePartition = partition, 
    nodePalette = [(0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)]

Refer to our documentation and examples to get started.

Installation Notes (C/C++)


  • Compiler: C++20-ready GCC or Clang compiler
  • Dependencies: CMake, oneAPI TBB, Google Sparsehash (optional), MPI (optional)
  • System: Linux (x86, ARM) or macOS (ARM)

Building from Source

After cloning the repository, follow the standard CMake build procedure:

cmake -B build --preset=default && cmake --build build --parallel


Use --preset=distributed instead if you want to build the distributed-memory components.

Using the Command Line Binaries

To partition a graph in Metis format, run:

# KaMinPar: shared-memory partitioning
./build/apps/KaMinPar [-P default|terapart|strong|largek] -t <nproc> -G <graph filename> -k <number of blocks> [-e 0.03] [-o <output partition>]

# dKaMinPar: distributed partitioning
mpirun -n <nproc> ./build/apps/dKaMinPar [-P default|strong|xterapart] -G <graph filename> -k <number of blocks> [-e 0.03] [-o <output partition>]

The computed partition is written to a text file (controlled via -o <filename>), where the n-th line contains the block ID (0-based) of the n-th node.

There are multiple configuration presets that tune the algorithm for different scenarios:

  • -P default: fast partitioning with quality comparable to Metis.
  • -P terapart: same partition quality as default, but with reduced memory consumption (slightly slower).
  • -P strong: better quality than default through additional FM refinement at the cost of increased runtime.
  • -P largek: faster for large values of k (e.g., k > 1024); reduces partition quality slightly for smaller k.

The -k <k> option directs (d)KaMinPar to partition the graph into k blocks of roughly equal weight (use -e <eps> to control the maximum allowed imbalance, e.g., -e 0.03 for 3%). Alternatively, one can specify the maximum weight for each block explicitly through one of the following options:

  • -B <W0> <W2> ... <Wk-1>: Explicitly specifies the maximum block weights, i.e., the weight of the i-th block should be bounded by Wi.
  • -b <w0> <w2> ... <wk-1>: Same as -B, but specifies the maximum weights as fractions of the total node weight, i.e., the weight of the i-th block should be bounded by wi * total node weight.

Other common command line options include:

  • --help: Prints all command line options.
  • --version: Prints the build configuration and current version.
  • --validate: Enables basic input graph validation.
  • -q: Quiet mode, suppresses all console output.

Using the C++ Library Interface

If you are using CMake, you can use the partitioners as libraries by adding this repository as a Git submodule to your project and including it in your CMake configuration:


target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::KaMinPar)  # Shared-memory partitioning
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::dKaMinPar) # Distributed partitioning

Alternatively, you can use FetchContent:

  GIT_TAG main)

target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::KaMinPar)  # Shared-memory partitioning
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::dKaMinPar) # Distributed partitioning

The shared-memory partitioner can be used as follows:

#include <kaminpar-shm/kaminpar.h>
using namespace kaminpar;

KaMinPar shm(int num_threads, shm::create_default_context());

// Pass a copy of the graph:
  std::span<const EdgeID> xadj, 
  std::span<const NodeID> adjncy, 
  std::span<const NodeWeight> vwgt = {}, 
  std::span<const EdgeWeight> adjwgt = {}

// Alternatively, let KaMinPar borrow the graph: this avoids the copy, but the
// spans must stay valid throughout partitioning and KaMinPar might modify the 
// data:
  std::span<EdgeID> xadj, 
  std::span<NodeID> adjncy, 
  std::span<NodeWeight> vwgt = {}, 
  std::span<EdgeWeight> adjwgt = {}

// Compute a `k`-way partition where each block weight is bounded by 
// `(1 + epsilon) * average`:
shm.compute_partition(BlockID k, double epsilon, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);

// Compute a `max_block_weights.size()`-way partition where the `i`-th block 
// weight is bounded by `max_block_weights[i]`:
shm.compute_partition(std::vector<BlockWeight> max_block_weights, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);

// Compute a `max_block_weight_factors.size()`-way partition where the `i`-th 
// block weight is bounded by `max_block_weight_factors[i] * total_weight`:
shm.compute_partition(std::vector<double> max_block_weight_factors, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);


If you want to partition a graph that does not fit into memory, you can use our Builder interface to construct a graph while compressing it on-the-fly.

The distributed-memory partitioner can be used as follows:

#include <kaminpar-dist/dkaminpar.h>
using namespace kaminpar;

dKaMinPar dist(MPI_Comm comm, int num_threads, dist::create_default_context());

// Pass a copy of the graph:
  std::span<GlobalNodeID> vtxdist, 
  std::span<GlobalEdgeID> xadj, 
  std::span<GlobalNodeID> adjncy, 
  std::span<GlobalNodeWeight> vwvgt = {}, 
  std::span<GlobalEdgeWeight> adjwgt = {}

// Compute a `k`-way partition where each block weight is bounded by 
// `(1 + epsilon) * average`:
dist.compute_partition(BlockID k, double epsilon, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);

// Compute a `max_block_weights.size()`-way partition where the `i`-th block 
// weight is bounded by `max_block_weights[i]`:
dist.compute_partition(std::vector<BlockWeight> max_block_weights, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);

// Compute a `max_block_weight_factors.size()`-way partition where the `i`-th 
// block weight is bounded by `max_block_weight_factors[i] * total_weight`:
dist.compute_partition(std::vector<double> max_block_weight_factors, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);

Check out our examples to see the library interface in action.


KaMinPar is free software provided under the MIT license. If you use KaMinPar in an academic setting, please cite the appropriate publication(s) listed below.

// KaMinPar
  author    = {Lars Gottesb{\"{u}}ren and
               Tobias Heuer and
               Peter Sanders and
               Christian Schulz and
               Daniel Seemaier},
  title     = {Deep Multilevel Graph Partitioning},
  booktitle = {29th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, {ESA} 2021},
  series    = {LIPIcs},
  volume    = {204},
  pages     = {48:1--48:17},
  publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2021.48}

// dKaMinPar (distributed KaMinPar)
  author    = {Sanders, Peter and Seemaier, Daniel},
  title     = {Distributed Deep Multilevel Graph Partitioning},
  booktitle = {Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing},
  year      = {2023},
  publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
  pages     = {443--457},
  isbn      = {978-3-031-39698-4}

// [x]TeraPart (memory-efficient [d]KaMinPar)
      title={Tera-Scale Multilevel Graph Partitioning}, 
      author={Daniel Salwasser and Daniel Seemaier and Lars Gottesbüren and Peter Sanders},