- Lausanne, Switzerland
- 1h ahead - korban.dev
- https://orcid.org/0009-0000-3878-2552
- @KacperFKorban
Starred repositories
Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view
Visual Studio Code extension for the Lean 4 proof assistant
A work-in-progress language and compiler for verified low-level programming
A Seamless, Interactive Tactic Learner and Prover for Coq
A Coq IDE build on top of Proof General's Coq mode
An extension for VS Code which provides support for HOL Light
Dafny is a verification-aware programming language
Extremely Linear Git History // git-linearize
Scala Center's solution of Advent of Code
CLI prompts in Scala 3, available on JS, JVM, and Native platforms
Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework. Cask makes it easy to set up a website, backend server, or REST API using Scala
A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
Besom - a Pulumi SDK for Scala. Also, incidentally, a broom made of twigs tied round a stick. Brooms and besoms are used for protection, to ward off evil spirits, and cleansing of ritual spaces.
A gently curated list of companies using verification formal methods in industry
AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
Pragmatic Category Theory for Beginners in OCaml with lots of real-world examples
Derive Decline CLIs automatically from your enums and case classes in Scala 3
Multi-platform GPGPU computations with Scala, seamlessly 🚀
An sbt plugin for deploying open-source artifacts to Maven via the Sonatype Central portal