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Coding Style

Andy Barajas edited this page Nov 9, 2024 · 1 revision

KOS C Coding Style Guide

This document outlines the C coding style guidelines for the KallistiOS (KOS) codebase. These guidelines are not strict rules but should be followed for consistency and readability.

1. General Guidelines

  • Write readable and maintainable code.
  • Avoid overly complex functions or structures.
  • Prioritize code clarity over optimization unless critical.
  • Consistency: Follow the same patterns throughout the project.

2. Indentation

  • Use 4-character tabs (or equivalent 4 spaces) for indentation.
  • Limit code to 3 levels of indentation to maintain readability.
  • Example:
    if(condition) {
        // level 1
        if(other_condition) {
            // level 2
            while(loop_condition) {
                // level 3

3. Brace Placement

  • Place the opening brace { on the same line as the control statement or function header.
  • Place the closing brace } on its own line.
  • Example:
    if(x == y) {
    else {

4. Naming Conventions

  • Global Variables/Functions: Use descriptive names, typically prefixed with the subsystem (e.g., pvr_, net_).
    • Example: pvr_init(), net_send_packet().
  • Local Variables: Use short, clear names (e.g., i, tmp, ptr), especially in small scopes.
  • Constants: Use all uppercase letters and underscores (e.g., MAX_BUFFER_SIZE).
  • Example:
    static const int MAX_USERS = 100;
    int user_count = 0;

5. Functions

  • Keep functions short and focused—ideally fitting within 1-2 screenfuls (80x24 characters).
  • Avoid more than 5-10 local variables in a function. Use helper functions if needed.
  • Use descriptive names for functions, reflecting their purpose.
  • Example:
    void reset_device(int device_id) {
        // Clear settings and restart the device
  • Functions that take no arguments should be explicitly marked with void in the argument list.
    • Example:
    void my_function(void) {
        // Function logic

6. Commenting

  • Prefer block comments over inline comments for better clarity.
    • Example of block comments:
     * Align the given address to the specified alignment.
     * Return the aligned address.
    size_t align_to(size_t address, size_t alignment) { ... }
  • Add header-style comments before functions or complex sections:
    • Describe the function’s purpose, parameters, and return value.
  • Avoid redundant comments like:
    // Open the file
    f = fopen(filename, "r");

7. Header Files

Each header file should follow this structure for consistency and clarity:

  • Start with a file header comment, which includes basic information about the file:

    /* KallistiOS ##version##
       Copyright (C) 2024 Your Name
  • Follow this with a Doxygen comment block that describes the purpose of the file, its group, and any relevant authors:

    /** \file    directory/foobar.h
        \brief   Foo support.
        \ingroup foobar
        This file contains the interface to the foo system of KOS. Foobars are used 
        to ...
        \author Your Name
  • Next, include a header guard to prevent multiple inclusions:

    #ifndef __FOOBAR_H
    #define __FOOBAR_H
  • Inside the header guard, add a C++ guard for compatibility and include any necessary headers:

    #include <sys/cdefs.h>
    // Insert other headers here
  • If applicable, define your Doxygen group and provide a brief overview of the API:

    /** \defgroup foobar  Foobar Management
        \brief            Foobar System API
        \ingroup          Utility
        This module provides functionality for managing foobar objects, including
        operations to toggle between active and inactive states.
  • Next, add type definitions and function declarations. Each of those should be accompanied by a Doxygen comment that explains its purpose, parameters, etc:

    /** \brief   Initializes the foobar system.
        Comment here if you want to get into more detail.
        \return  0 on success, -1 on failure.
    int foobar_init(void);
  • Finally, close the Doxygen group and both the C++ and header guards:

    /** @} */
    #endif /* __FOOBAR_H */

8. Source Files

  • Each source file should start with a file header comment:
    /* KallistiOS ##version##
       Copyright (C) 2024 Your Name
  • Followed by headers. Include only necessary headers and avoid redundant includes.
    • Include order:
      1. Standard C headers (<stdio.h>, <string.h>, etc.)
      2. KOS headers (<kos/thread.h>, etc.)
      3. Architecture-specific headers (<dc/g2bus.h>, etc.)
  • After that, feel free to put a block comment explaining what's in the file and describing any notes about the module, followed by the functions/variables themselves:
    • Example:
        This module supports foobars in KOS. A foobar is used to ...
    // Insert function definitions here

9. Sized Integer Types

  • Use sized integer types from <stdint.h> rather than built-in types like uint8, uint16, etc.
    • Example:
    #include <stdint.h>
    int32_t my_var;

10. Type Names

  • Type names should have a _t suffix if typedef'd.
  • Prefix types related to a specific subsystem with an identifier.
    • Example: typedef uint32 pvr_token_t;

11. Error Handling

  • Always check return values of functions that can fail (e.g., memory allocation, file operations).
  • Use error codes or errno for error reporting.
  • Example:
    if((ptr = malloc(size)) == NULL) {
        dbglog(DBG_ERROR, "malloc failed");
        return -1;

Follow these guidelines to ensure that your code remains clean, readable, and maintainable. While certain guidelines may be flexible, consistency and clarity are paramount.