A ready to use Wordpress/Woocommerce plugin boilerplate code (template) to give you a jump start. It is FREE Wordpress and Woocommerce Plugin Template.
1-Download as zip or clone if you are using git.2-Rename downloaded folder to name of your new plugin.
3-Rename Wordpress-Plugin-Template-OOP.php file to name of your new plugin.
4-Change plugin name in above file (in step 3).
5-Uncomment hooks and filters that you need in __construct function. You do not need to comment out unused functions but do it if you like to.
If you want to contribute, send in your pull requests. Please clearly explain the pupose of proposed change i.e if it is enhancement, upgrade of a resource like jquery etc. I am using it in many tutorials on my youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/user/LovelyKamran
Here is an introductory video explaining the use of this object oriented plugin template.