This is a extremely simple Discord bot.
To setup this bot you must first have a discord application created. For this go to in your browser. From there click on "New Application" and give it a name! From there navigate to the "Bot" tab and click on "Copy Token" If this isnt your first time making a bot it may ask you to "Reset Token".
One you have got your token navigate to your .env.example file and change TOKEN = Your Token Here
to your bots token.
Make sure not to share your token as this allows anyone to control your bot.
After this all you have to do is run npm i discord.js
in the console.
If you are unsure on how to open the console click ` or the button above your tab key.
After all of this you can run your bot by simple typing node index.js
Here are a list of recources that may help you along the lines.
discord.js | Where you can find all documentation on creating a discord bot
Along with this I recomend the following YouTube channels. MrJAwsome Under Ctrl