This repository is for those who just started working on C++ software development and don't have much knowledge about build systems.
Build systems are just tools, and one shouldn't get lost learning how to deal with it, it is what it is, a tool. And one just need to learn how to use it.
This repo represnts a tutorial for:
- How to structure your cpp project
- How to use build systems generators like CMake to build and link your source files and dependencies.
- How to use Bash scripts to automate the workflow
Note: move to the scripts folder before running the scripts
C++ Project Structure
├── CMakeLists.txt # Main CMake file for configuring the build process
├── LICENSE # License file for the project
├── # Project description and usage instructions
├── .gitignore # Files to be ignored by Git
├── build/ # Directory for build files (typically excluded from version control)
│ └── ... # All compiled object files and executables go here
├── docs/ # Documentation files for the project
│ └── # Project-specific documentation
├── include/ # Public headers for the project
│ └── libname/ # Directory matching the library name
│ └── libname.hpp # Header file containing library API
├── src/ # Source files for the project
│ ├── main.cpp # Main entry point for the application
│ └── example.cpp # Source file implementing functionality from example.hpp
├── tests/ # Unit and integration tests
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt # CMake file for compiling tests
│ └── test_example.cpp # Test file for example functionality
├── third_party/ # External dependencies
│ └── lib/ # Libraries used by the project
└── scripts/ # Scripts related to building or managing the project
├── # build script for building the binary artifacts in the build folder
├── # installation script installing the project in the install folder (instead of the default location /usr/local)
└── # Setup script for environment configuration