Hi All,
This "configure" function use as new tugboat function. so using that you can get current version relate all server ip list to hosts file.Using that you can run any ansible playbook.
if any issue contact me Kasun Rathnayaka gmail:kasunmaduraeng@gmail.com linkedin:https://lk.linkedin.com/in/kasunmadurarathnayaka
==Guide Line==
Get clone
Add below config to ___init _.py (only add "configure" end of _ _ all _ )
_ all _= ["app", "infrastructure", "full_deploy", "show_config", "full_undeploy", "configure"]
def configure(*args, **kwargs):
sys.modules.get('hooks.app_custom').configure(*args, **kwargs)
then copy app_custom.py to hooks/
then run
fab configure:environment=$ENV,version=$Verssion
fab configure:environment=dev,version=1.1.6
--- tugboat only for pearson :)---